Day 12.

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Yesterday after saying that, Soonyoung left my room because his doctor came to get him.

It haunted my head ever since he spoke those words. It made me uneasy and stressed, I couldn't even understand why.

But at 4:00 AM he was back. He tiptoed to the door and gently knocked. It wasn't like I was asleep at that time though.

"Peek-a-boo." He sang and sat down like he always does.

Usually I smiled when I saw him, but not that time.

I sat up and he looked at my distressed frame, my hair a mess and my shirt loosely hanging off my shoulder from getting up fast.

"Heart disease..?" I shakily let out.

He must've known I was getting upset because his smile dropped to a soft expression.

"I'm better. I'm okay the treatment they've given me has been working ever since the surgery."

I let my worried expression drop with relief.

"You're okay?"

"100%." He smiled.

"But what type of disease is it?" I urged on.

"It's a disease that makes it more possible to get a heart attack, my heart's just weaker than average."

"Oh." I let out.

I was still worried.

After this he moved closer to my bed. He said, "You shouldn't worry about what I have if you can't even figure out what you have." He joked.


"Pretty sure I'm leaving soon". I replied and crossed my arms.

I opened one eye and saw he was staring at me, making me drop my arms and think I did something wrong.

Just as I was about to speak in that moment, he stood up and gently ran his fingers through my messy hair, to fix it.

I flinched a little at first and then focused on his soothing yet extremely gentle touch. He was so gentle..

After a minute he pulled away with a smile. "Sorry that piece sticking up was bothering me." He laughed.

For the first time in forever I think I blushed?

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