Day 106.

240 13 16

Once someone's gone-there's so many things to be regretted, even after a second from their passing.

This was a known fact.

Yet nothing felt real.

About an hour passed since they told jihoon what was happening- and he stayed all alone in the small room, head in his knees and physically aching.

There was only five chairs in that room, yet he could've even get himself up to sit in even one of them.

He couldn't even think.

He didn't know what was happening to him. The few feelings he could make out were the following of;




And regret.

Then finally he came to his senses and stood up to his feet, gripping onto the wall before falling into one of the nurses who came out of soonyoung's room.

"C-Check again! Are you s-sure? Check him again!" He begged, eyes glassing over again.

"Sir, we've been trying to get his pulse back-"

"Try harder!" He screamed, letting go of his grip as the nurse yelped a bit at his actions and state.

"Sir you can't go near there!" The older woman stood in front of him, blocking soonyoung's door.

"He can't d-die. You have to try harder!"

"There's nothing more we can do." She retorted, knowing fully the statistics of the chances soonyoung had to live.

She looked deep into jihoon's eyes and he slumped back in defeat once again, but she let out a long breath to tie into the silence eating away at jihoon's mind.

Things would never be the same.

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