Day 9.

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This time he came to see me when the sun was out. It was twelve PM when I heard a knock on my door.

He came in with that smile again. "Hiii." He sat down in the same spot as last night and I sat up.

"What happened to coming here when everyone else is asleep?" I ask amused.

"I've decided I don't care. What's the point of staying in a room all day by yourself?"

"Can't you walk though?"

"Yes. I meant you."

It was in this moment I realized I had already made a best  friend. Well, regardless if he wanted to be my best friend or not.

I smiled slightly. "Thank you."

"So," he rested his arm on the bed. "Did they realize there's nothing wrong with you yet?"

I shake my head. "Not yet."

"Mhm. Don't worry just hang in there." He encouraged. "But in the mean time," he smirked and picked something out of his pocket.

He was wearing hospital clothes that matched his pale skin, and oddly enough he was the first person I saw who didn't make them look horrible.

"I don't know if you like candy but I brought you strawberry truffles. They're my favorite." He took three candies out that were wrapped in strawberry pattern wrappers.

"Thank you." Maybe it'll get the bitter taste of chemicals out if my mouth. I opened one and smiled as the gooey flavor of strawberry filled my mouth.

After a while it got chewy, which made it even better. "They're really good!" I say happily.

He smiled. "I know right? Man, what can I say? Grandma candy is the best."

Suddenly there was a loud noise of a women shouting. "Excuse me young man, what do you think you're doing here?" A lady nurse barged into the room.

Soonyoung deadpanned and froze up. "Uhh... my doctor said I can come here!" He protested as she went to get him up to leave.

"Yeah I'm not so sure about that, you're leaving." She replied, obviously not taking any of his nonsense.

"Please kind old lady! I have candy! Please let me staaay!" He shouted dramatically as he was being pulled away. "I'll come back Jihoonie! Bye baby!" He winked at me before the nurse shut the door.

I looked at the candy he left in my hand.


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