Day 114.

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Soonyoung managed to finally wake up before jihoon this time.

He opened his eyes weakly to see jihoon curled up at his side, which made a soft smile appear on his lips.

"hey," his voice was small but at least it was there.

And even though jihoon was sleeping he still ran his fingers through his hair.

He let out a heavy sigh.

He was thankful. He was relieved.

He hadn't understood what happened to him when he was unconscious, but he could only imagine that it was bad, and he wished jihoon didn't have to see it.

He was in a lot of pain, but he was so thankful.

He gets to wake up and see another day, he gets to give jihoon kisses and hugs, jihoon won't have to live on without him.

Jihoon wouldn't have to grieve the death of his lover and feel alone- he would never want jihoon to feel like he's alone.

He was making recovery, soonyoung heard.

Jihoon's mental heath could improve now that soonyoung was here, and soonyoung could start improving health wise and physically.

It was going to get better.

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