Day 84/ continuation

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Soonyoung didn't know what to initially when he saw the water leaking from the bottom of the door.

He thought Jihoon had probably left the water running, but after seeing the door was locked it was obvious the smaller was still in the room.

And that's when Soonyoung started to panic.

Expecially after hearing the crying and sobbing from the other side, he knew what it meant.

Even though Jihoon's blocked out most of the words Soonyoung was saying, that didn't stop him.

"J-Ji you have to s-stay with me o-okay? Look at me!" Soonyoung sobbed out loudly, trying to get the younger to at least open his eyes after making him throw up the pills.

"Come on baby- p-please.. you can't l-leave!" He was frantically moving the younger, holding him in his arms.

Even though the water had been scorching, Jihoon was cold. His whole body was shaking.

"..c..can-t." Was the only thing Soonyoung heard from Jihoon's sore mouth, while his head rolled back along with his eyes shutting all over again.

"Yes you can- you c-can!" He begged. "Just look at me! They're almost here- y-you can do it just l-look!"

Jihoon weakly and messily held onto Soonyoung's arm which was constantly moving.

"It's still n-not out.." Soonyoung cursed through his tears and gently moved Jihoon on his side, repeating the process as before making him gag loudly and throw up the contents in his stomach.

The younger whimpered out in pain and was suffering the ache and burning, his eyes still not standing a chance.

He was pale at this point, and freezing. He looked as if he couldn't coordinate right.

Jihoon's eyes still closed for the fourth time as Soonyoung continued to beg and plead. "Y-You'll be okay, okay? J-Just hang in there- I h-hear them you're going to be f-fine.." he spoke.

Then Jihoon went limp.

His eyes were no longer struggling to stay open. They were just shut.

And his hands let go of Soonyoung's arms, falling to the side and hitting the tile of the bathroom floor.

His breaths seemed to stop and his head moving stopped.

Soonyoung froze, heart stopping and a lump forming in his throat.

"J-Ji.. Jihoon.." he shook his shoulder, moving his whole body." "Jihoon.. No.. no, no.. Jihoon please wake up!" He weeped and pulled him closer.

"Wake up! Wake up wake up!" He begged and finally the door slammed open with men who had a stretcher and emergency items.

"He's n-not- Help him!" Soonyoung shouted and they took the small boy from his arms.

"H-He needs to open his eyes! I can't lose him!" He said to the men, standing up and following whatever movements they made.

Someone was trying to calm him down- but he would never fucking listen to them.

His heart was breaking and his breaths were coming out in heeds, his hands shaking and trembling.

"He won't d-die.. He cant.."


Soonyoung sat there. Shivering and still soaked with the water from the bathroom.

His arms were folded as he shook and trembled, but he wasn't just shaking from the cold.

Fear ate through his whole entire system and he cried. He cried hard.

He couldn't get up or stand, the ache in his whole body was too much to handle as he told himself everything would be okay.

He would be alright.

Jihoon would wake up.

He curled up in the seat of the waiting room with his hands pressed to the side of his face, wiping down all the tears that left his eyes.

His heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest and starting stinging which he only put a hand over his chest and pressed which stopped the pain.

He was looking for any doctors, anyone. As people passed by they only frowned and looked sorry for him.

Soonyoung used to be very well known for being mischievous in this hospital, so many of the people there remember him.

And it felt awful to see such a bright boy, get torn to shreds.

Soonyoung started praying. He was praying hard and begging that Jihoon was okay.

He blamed himself.

He should've been there.

He should've known.

"Soonyoung? I'm guessing you're here for Jihoon huh?" A male in a white coat asked, and Soonyoung recognized him as a doctor.

He sat up. "Are you here to tell me I c-can see Jihoon?" He asked, wiping his eyes.

"No not yet.. I'm just curious to see if you know how long you've been here."

Soonyoung shook his head slowly.

"You've been here longer than five hours."

Soonyoung knew that must've been true, from the way his eyes burned from tiredness and his joints ached.

But he only sunk back in his seat further, staring at the tiles on the floor.

"We know you were a previous patient and you have to leave for your health. It's not healthy to stay here."

"I'm fine." Soonyoung said. "I'm fine." He repeated.

"Mr. Kwon we're telling you we strongly advise you to leave-"

"I'm not leaving him alone. I can't do that to him again.." His eyes started to glass over making the doctor sigh.

He knew there would be no reason to try to get this boy to go home.

Instead he came back with a water bottle and some bread and gave it to Soonyoung.

Soonyoung thanked him and put the water bottle down on the floor.

He didn't have any plans to eat the bread but it would be sour to throw it away.

But he really had no appetite.

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