Day 78.

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"Sooyoung," I called for him once I heard the door open and walked my way over there.

He walked through the door with a soft smile and I paused.

"Where's the things?" I tilted my head.

"Oh I didn't get anything after all." He sighed and hugged me so suddenly.

I was caught off guard still, but I hugged him back.

"So what you wanna do today?" I went on my tippytoes.

"I want to walk with you. We can make stops too." He kissed my nose and I loved the idea.

"Really? Sounds good." I leaned up to reach his nose.

I kissed his nose too and then turned around to drag him by the hand.

"Let's go to your room to change." I lead him and went up the few stairs.

I took him to the room where we slept last night, the room where he told me his aunt saved for him.

I left my bag in there with my minimum clothing.

I haven't been able to go back and get my things from home, but I really didn't mind.

"Baby do you want a snack? I picked these up on my way back, sweet bread." He went in his pocket of his jacket and pulled a pack out for me.

I somehow was always hungry when he offered me something, or more like I wanted it more because he specifically got it for me.

"Yes please," I replied and accepted the snack he offered, sitting down on his bed and watching him go through his drawers.

I think he knew what I was wondering what to wear too, because he seemed to be looking for something to give me.

"Heere we go." He pulled out a long sleeved shirt and just as I was about to go through my bag he tossed it over my head.

"You can wear my clothes." He smiled.

"Won't they be too big?" I took a look at the striped shirt in my hand.

"Probably because you're a tiny ball but it should be fine." He then began looking for something for himself.

I looked at the clothes again, and slipped off my short sleeved shirt I was wearing. I folded it and crawled to put it on the side of the bed I sleep on.

I struggled getting the baggy shirt over my head because it folded over, to which I heard Soonyoung get up and felt him help put the shirt over.

Once I got my arms through I plopped them to my side and smiled, and he squished my face.

"You're so cute I literally get wounded by looking at you- jeez just shoot me and go!" He shouted and hugged me, arms wrapping around my neck and his cheek against mine.

I pretend to hit his arm as continued to squish me. "I love you so much I would actually jump into shark infested water just to see you smile- ughh!" He waddled around with me in his arms.

"Ahh Youngie!" I whined and pouted making him let out a breath as if he was in pain from seeing something cute.

"I love you sooo much even your voice is too cute!!"

At this point my whole face turned red and my ears were burning from being flushed.

He pulled away and cupped my face, squishing it gently and kissing my forehead.

"I love you." He said for the third time, somehow making it feel like it was the first time he ever said it.

"I l-love you more," I stuttered, flustered and then looked down.

I saw his cheeky smile then he embraced me sweetly. "Say it once more~"

I hit his arm gently and let out another breath. "I-I love you Soonyoung."

He nodded in content and kissed my cheek.

"Now kiss me." He smiled dumbly and I placed a peck on his lips, hiding my face a little after.

"Again, please~"

"Oh my god you child." I let out a breath jokingly and went up, wrapping my arms around his neck as I kissed him longer.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered near my ear as he went to kiss my cheek again.

"Everything about you is so beautiful.. absolutely everything. I love you so much."

With my flushed face I couldn't help but smile, burying my head in his neck.

"I love you more." I smile and let out.

"We're gonna have the most fun together, I love you sooo much."

He gently put my down and I immediately held his hand as we went to the door.

"Let's go!"

The day was going to be the best I've had in a long time and I was so happy.


I can't ruin this for him.

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