Day 112.

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"Excuse me?"

Jihoon opened his eyes from the seat he was in while in the waiting room, looking up to see the male doctor.

"Soonyoung has just woken up again and has been asking for you. He isn't in stable conditions yet, but we think he might begin to talk quicker if you see him now." The man smiled, and immediately jihoon felt lighter.

"Wait really?.. I can see him?"

The doctor nodded and jihoon nearly shot  up and ran to the room, but he ended up saying thank you before making his way to the room.

Once he got to the door he hesitantly opened it and he felt his heart pound loudly in his chest for whatever the reason.

In that moments he pushed it open and saw soonyoung in the bed, his eyes slightly opened and his hand weakly extended slightly out.

And jihoon broke down into tears.

He didn't even bother closing the door behind him as he ran up to soonyoung- sobbing and hugging him.

He could barely even get words out- any at all.

Soonyoung had a breathing mask on him, but wasn't completely dependent on it as to before.

But he was so weak.

All Jihoon could think was how scared he was and how he misses Soonyoung, and how he never wants to let go.

"I-..I thought I'd h-have to say goodbye.." he hiccuped, crying into Soonyoung's chest.

soonyoung smelt like the hospital. All the chemicals and the way the place normally smelt.

It was saddening almost.

That his sweet scent had to be replaced with the horrible memories.

But that didn't stop jihoon from holding on tighter, burying his face more as he cried.

Although soonyoung was still very frail and weak, he still put his arm around jihoon's back, and held him close, as he eyes were weighed down and his breathing mask was still loud.

Yet both the boys felt our exhaustion from the overall day- and because of this, they both fell asleep a few mere minutes after-

In each other's arms.

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