Day 110.

274 19 15

One hour.

They set the time they planned to turn off the machines.

It was planned.

It felt like they decided a time for soonyoung to die.

It was an hour before the chances of him dying really began to rise.

Jihoon mumbled to himself that everything would be okay, over and over again.

Half an hour went by and the same male doctor came back inside.


"Why are you here? He has t-thirty more minutes-"

"No need to worry, I'm here to give last minute medication to possibly help his chance to wake up in the next half an hour." He said, and went to the wires and sorted them out.

Jihoon never felt a scare like that in his life.

After this the doctors left, providing jihoon with a blanket for it was cold in the room, even if jihoon never asked for one.

He sat in more dark silence.

He rubbed his eyes and stretched out his sore arms, still holding onto soonyoung's hand.

Then it happened.

10 more minutes left.

There was still no sign of movement.

Or life.

Jihoon felt a lump form in his throat as the minuets came passing by.

5 minutes.

Doctors came into the room and checked the machines and soonyoung, while Jihoon felt as if a panic attack would strike him any moment.

He felt afraid as their eyes glazed over soonyoung, as if looking for something. A sign.

Then they doctors looked at each other with kind of a disappointing stare.

"We're going to take him off."

The words crushed jihoon, but he held back any tears. Because he hoped that there was still a chance he'd be able to breathe on his own.

Instead of saying anything he just nodded, biting his lips and holding on tighter.

They came closer and each and every doctor was holding something within their hands. There were three.

"Should I.. move?" Jihoon asked, fearing that they'd even make him leave the room.

"No young man you're okay there, if anything don't let go of his hand. You might be able to help us sense movement." One of the two lady doctors present smiled.

Thats the thing.

Jihoon had been here long enough that his brain blocks out ant unnecessary faces, meaning that he couldn't remember the doctors faces even if he depended on it.

It felt like they change so much anyway, was there hardly any use?

It was like they had a black screen blocking their faces.

Jihoon only nodded and took a breath to calm himself down.

Then the time came.

The doctors continued talking within each other, giving orders and instructions and even demanding tools before they even touched the machines.

"One, two, three." They wasted no more time.

They hooked him off the machines and immediately they looked up and studied the heart monitor.

They studied everything.

Jihoon was shaking, his grip loosening slightly. he swallowed the lump in his throat.

"please, please.. please be okay.." he whispered thinly.

The line meekly continued making waves in the line, and the beeping slowly, slowly made it's way to their ears.

"We have a heartbeat!" The male shouted, to which they all read the machine. "it's slow- it's leaving, get the defibrillator just in case if needed be."

All the sudden movement hurt Jihoon's head, as he was trying to process anything and everything to see what was happening from where he was.

Soonyoung moved, only slightly. His head rolling to the other side than what previous-

and usually one would be happy and excited for the movement- but this didn't feel right.

His head rolled to the other side once again, face distorted in pain as he released a near, almost, humming sound of pain and discomfort.

as if he were crying from pure pain.

"S-Soonyoung..-" jihoon let out, after feeling the other's grip tighten around his own hand.

His panic settled as he slightly shouted, "H-His hand moved!.."

The little bit of security Jihoon felt immediately vanished as he heard the moans of pain grow louder then stopped-
and the grip lessened, the machine's beeping becoming one solid one just like the night he flatlined.

Suddenly one of the female doctors got the defibrillator in hand, and the next motions were too blurry to comprehend.

"Clear!" The voice shouted, and a huge shock ran through the room as it jointed soonyoung's body.

And once again, "Clear!"

This cycle repeated until it almost felt hopeless- and at the last final shock- "Clear!"

Soonyoung's head rolled once more to the left, as his movement grew a little more, and the single flat line was replaced with multiple beats once more.

His loud hums and unwordy sounds of pain replaced their ears, making the doctors feel relief as they looked at the machine.

A lady had a bag in her hands, at Soonyoung's left just in case anything bad happens- in which case it did as soonyoung's body began throwing up any possible thing in his body.

All that could be hear was soonyoung's gags, gasps, and pain filled noises- but even so, this happening meant that he was breathing and even if it were faint, his heartbeat was there.

They made jihoon sit near the wall, and as he let go of soonyoung's hand he felt worry make its way back up jihoon's neck.

At this point he began to cry once more.

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