Day 87.

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"Soonyoung w-whats all this?" Later on that day Jihoon finally woke up, feeling less pain because it wore off as his body rested.

He was surprised to see all the beautiful flowers on his bedside. Soonyoung smiled. "I got them for you."

It felt so good to see him smile, so automatically Jihoon mouth pulled into a sweet smile too, as he looked at the flowers.

"T-They're really beautiful." He solely said, gently touching some of the petals.

Soonyoung couldn't help but feel a spark in him when he saw Jihoon smile. He felt happy and felt his heart beat with excitement.

"You.. you like them?" Soonyoung asked and Jihoon nodded and smiled even brighter.

"I l-love them, thank you." He extended out his hand, asking for Soonyoung to hold it. The older one happily did as requested.

Jihoon smiled as he looked at his boyfriend's face, studying his features and his flowy blonde hair. He loved everything about it.

"Jihoon.." Soonyoung suddenly spoke up.

"Mm?" He looked at his mouth when he started to speak.

"Can I.. ask you a question please?" He muttered and Jihoon could tell something was bothering him.

"Yes of course you can.." He answered smile fading as he felt kind of nervous. Would he want to break up?

"Are you unhappy with me?" Soonyoung made out, eyes uncertain.

Jihoon paused and looked up at his eyes. "Soonyoung.. why would you think that..?"

Soonyoung sighed and looked at the wording on Jihoon's breathing mask. "I don't know.. But just.. w-why did you try what you did? Did you think I wouldn't listen?.."

Jihoon felt guilt and a type of sadness from seeing his boyfriend like this.

He tightened his grip on his hand. "N-No! Youngie you k-know that's not it.."

"Then why would you?"

He stopped and Jihoon closed his eyes and sighed. He looked tense and uncomfortable. Like he didn't want to talk.

Until he finally said, "I don't know..." his voice cracked.

"I really don't k-know.. I'm sorry."

Soonyoung didn't want that reply, but he wasn't going to ask for another one.

He only looked at the younger one's face and tried to find an emotion. He saw how he was still on the verge of tears.

"I.. I don't think I deserve you. If I'm honest all I do is make you sad and worry you. All you do is watch over me.. You take care of me.. S-Soonyoung I'm not your child. I'm not supposed to do this to you. I hate myself for doing this to you.." Jihoon covered his eyes with his hands.

"I k-know I'm so.. dramatic.. and unnecessary .. I'm sorry that I did all this.. I would rather be dead than seeing you the way you are.."

Soonyoung paused and tightly gripped Jihoon's hand again.

"Jihoon.. You aren't bothering me. You never bother me and you could never.. I take care of you because I want to, seeing you happy makes me happy.. You're not doing anything to me. The only reason w-why I'm sad is because you're thinking this way.. Jihoon I love you. I love you with all my heart." He said.

"I love you more than words can work. You mean the world to me. You make me want to fight to live, I only ever want to be with you. You are my world Joonie.. P-Please don't try to leave me again.." He whispered the last part.

Jihoon has never seen Soonyoung like this, so sad yet serious. He was so serious and genuine.

Suddenly Jihoon smiled weakly, moving his hand to touch Soonyoung's hair. "Do you m-mean what you say?"

Soonyoung nodded. "I cross my heart, I love you and I mean that Jihoon."

Put flowers on the desk. (Soonhoon)Where stories live. Discover now