Day 72.

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I woke up today and Soonyoung wasn't here.

I didn't get up today, I didn't even sit up.

I just opened my eyes and I realized he wasn't there anymore and just plopped back down onto the uncomfortable bed.

I let out a breath and realized I felt like a part of me walked off when Soonyoung got in the car yesterday.

I didn't know how to explain the amount of pain I felt when Soonyoung want here.

I woke up with a note on my desk with a lily.

'I'm coming to visit you soon my baby, there's an envelope with money I left here so you can go down to the cafeteria for snacks. Ily boo '

It made me feel better but also only miss him more.

I was going to save his money to give it back to him when he visits again.

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