Day 88.

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Jihoon woke up and Soonyoung was sleeping by his side. After they talked about the situation yesterday, Jihoon couldn't help but feel a little better.

Sure, he was sore and aching but it didn't matter because Soonyoung was there and that made him happy.

A few minutes managed to pass while Soonyoung started to wake up. "Hi Soonie." Jihoon smiled and played with the other's fingers.

The older boy opened his eyes and smiled sleepily from seeing his cute boyfriend's face.

He sat up a little and kissed Jihoon's face and then rested his upper half back down while he continued to sit in the chair. "Hi." He said.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, and Jihoon let out a breath.

"I feel good." He let out and smiled. "Very tired.."

"I can imagine. Oh, Yesterday I talked with the doctors and they said you can leave tomorrow, but they want to send you to meet with someone regularly to talk.." Soonyoung spoke fully knowing what Jihoon's reaction could be.

"M-Meet? What do they mean by talk?.." Jihoon visibly got tense.

"Talk as in therapy.. you can do it, can't you?"

Jihoon shook his head. "No.. I cant. I don't want to.. I won't need it, they're changing my medication anyways.. right?"

Soonyoung frowned. "Baby it's more than just side affects.. what if your depression gets worse? And you feel like.. you know.. trying again?" He paused.

"Jihoon it's not even gone as we speak. You're not better just yet. This is more than just 'side effects'."

"I don't have to.. I'm fine. I'm okay.. I don't want to do that. Are you making me?.." Jihoon's voice shook from nerves.

He hated talking to other people.

He didn't need to.

He didn't feel like he was fine, but he thought this would make him worse.

"No, I'm not forcing you.. but you really should try it. Talking will help-"

"Talking doesn't help. I don't even know how to word my concerns, my thoughts, or my feelings!.. I d-dont know.."

Soonyoung wiped under Jihoon's eyes. "Its okay that you don't know, but try please. Try for me."

"I d-dont want to try.." He sternly said, which made Soonyoung frown again and his expression soften.

"Okay.. but if I see you get worse then you'll let me take you, okay?" From hearing this, Jihoom nodded slowly.

"O-Okay.." he replied, making Soonyoung smile softly and rest his hand on the younger's cheek.

"That's my boy. I love you so much.." He softly said and Jihoon let his shoulders untense.

"I love you too.." he wanted to apologize but he knew if he did Soonyoung wouldn't want him to think it's his fault.

After seeing his boyfriend calm down, Soonyoung pulled his chair closer and kissed the back of Jihoon's hand softly.

Soonyoung placed his hand down on the arm rest, but instead his hand accidentally went across something sharp, he didn't notice what it was.

He winced and immediately pulled his hand close to him, looking down at his hand.

"What happened?" Jihoon asked, worried.

"I think I cut myself on something."

Jihoon couldn't see the palm of Soonyoung's hand but noticed long trails of blood dripping off his fingers.

His eyes widened and he tried to sit up. "You're bleeding!"

"Baby lay back down, it's not bad I'll just wash my hand." He smiled reassuringly.

"Can I see..?"

"Hun I swear I'm fine." He stood up and kissed the top of his head. "Just let me clean it, I'll be right back." He smiled slightly.

Before Jihoon could answer he turned and left the room, turning to the bathroom.

He ended up there and with his hand over the sink, he opened his hand to reveal his palm.

It was oozing blood.

What the fuck, why would there be something that sharp there? Or was it just a piece of metal?

Regardless Soonyoung was absolutely terrible with blood.

He quickly ran his hand under cold water but it seemed like it only made the blood gush out more.

He grew dizzy and his heart was pounding from the anxiety that came with the blood.

It dripped all the way down his elbow and onto the tiles. He was in panic, trying to figure out what to do.

That's when finally he unrolled paper towels and wrapped it securely around his hand. It ached and he cringed.

Why does it only happen to them?

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