Day 8.

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It was four in the morning when I was woken up from sleep. It takes a while from me to even fall asleep anymore.

But when I woke up I heard knocking on the door and saw the boy peeking through the crack of it.

He was knocking.

As soon as I looked at him he smiled brightly and waved, he whispered "Hi! I hope I'm not bothering you.."

I stare at him. I'm wondering if he was actually in front of me.

I had just woken up, it could just be a dream.

But I knew it wasn't because after a while of staring he smiled lightly again and came inside my room, wheeling in his IV carefully.

He closed the door behind him and I sit up, giving off a confused look.

He sat down in front of my bed. "Hi." He greeted. He held out his hand. "I'm Soonyoung."

His hand was pale and smooth, and I shook it hesitantly. He noticed this because then after he said "I won't bite."

"I uh-" I finally chose to speak. "Why are you here..?"

His smile was even sweeter than before. "Well I saw you a few times and the only way I could say hi is when this place is mostly asleep."

I noted.

He brightened up and had an interested look on his face. "What's your name?"


"That's a nice name." He smiled.

"Thank you," I said.

"So," he began. "How are you?.."

I tilted my head at the question until he motioned with his eyes at the heart monitor.

He was asking why I was at the hospital.

"Oh." I realized. "There's nothing wrong with me.."

Once I said this he looked at me in a way, asking if I was serious.

"I think I'm just sick, not that I have a disease. After all, I've spent over two weeks here and they've found nothing. I'm sure my parents are overreacting."

I sigh. "I want to go home."

"Mm." Was all he replied with before giving me a gentle look. "I hope that you'll leave quickly then."

We talked for thirty minutes more. Well mostly he did. I listened and we became friends in just an hour.

He left later on, yet I didn't stop to ask him what he was in the hospital for.

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