Honeymoon Ch 1

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Draco POV

After the wedding, Hermione and I decided we wanted to spend some time away before starting work. She had gotten perfects on all of her NEWTS, and she was scheduled to start Healer training at the beginning of October. I would start running the family business now that I was out of school, but we wanted to go on a honeymoon first. We decided on a month's trip to Paris. 

"Are you ready?" I called up the stairs. I felt like I was always waiting for Hermione. She was amazing at being on time to school, but she had lost that touch just in the few months she hadn't been doing much. She had been redoing the manor with Mother, though. 
I heard her running down the stairs, trunk in tow. 

"Here I am! I'm sorry I couldn't fit the books," she said breathlessly. 

"I hope the two of you have a wonderful time." my mother said while hugging each of us in turn. 

"I want some grandchildren soon!" she called after us as we left. I could feel the heat from Hermione. We had only ever slept in the same room once, never the same bed, though. The night of the wedding, an emergency had broken out at Malfoy enterprises, and mother and I had to be rushed there. I didn't get home until morning, and now we are leaving for the trip. I am quite excited to wake up with Hermione in my arms finally.

"You know she's joking. We don't have to think about kids yet." I looked at her and smiled.
She let out a breath of relief. With that, we apparated to Paris and walked up to the hotel.

There were marble floors and a huge 4 poster bed when we got to our room. The best part, however, was the giant glass doors that led out onto the balcony. You could see the Eiffel Tower from our room.

"This is amazing, Draco. I can't wait to stay here for a month. I've never been anywhere so beautiful, except for maybe Hogwarts." Hermione was standing on the balcony, looking at the city while she spoke to me. She looked beautiful. 

"I'm glad you like it. I'm really excited to spend all of this time with you without any distractions."

"Me too. Can you believe that we are going to finally be together for an entire day, that I'll get to fall asleep in your arms?" She asked.

"I know I can't wait. Do you want to go get dinner or go to the market and make something?" I asked her. I couldn't wait to lay in bed with her and know she'll be there when I wake up, but first, I'm starving.

"I think we should find a great café." She said cheerfully.

"Sounds great. Let's go."

Later-The middle of the night

I was lying in bed thinking about the wonderful day Hermione and I had together. We found a great café and had coffee and then went and found somewhere to eat. We walked through the streets for hours, and of course, she pulled me into 5 different antique bookstores. I was glad she was having a great time, and it was only our first day. When we came back, we finally were together fully; I felt like our souls were fully fused now, that nothing could tear us apart. I was hers, and she was mine forever. Now she was sleeping with her head on my chest, breathing evenly. I was about to fall asleep when she started screaming and thrashing around. I didn't understand what was going on. She had only done this once before. 

"Hermione! sweetheart, wake up!" I was shaking her and trying to get her to get up. She stopped moving and jolted up, breathing heavily. "Hermione, are you okay? What happened?" I was frantic.

"It was just a nightmare. I'm sorry if I woke you up, Draco. I get them all the time. Some nights are worse than others." She was starting to cry.

It was like the Manor all over again. She seemed so scared. 

"I have been putting silencing charms on my room since I started having them, so I didn't wake up the Weasleys. I just kept doing it at school and the manor too."

"Do you want to talk about it? Can I help you?" I sounded like I was pleading for her to let me do so.

"I...I don't want you to be upset." She was crying harder now.

"I'm not going to be upset." 

She sat there in my arms in silence for what seemed like an hour, but I didn't push her. We were married; we needed to trust one another and not keep secrets.

"I see her torturing me over and over, and since being with you, I see her torturing what looks to be our children Draco. How could I let someone hurt my babies." She was crying harder than I had ever seen. She could barely get the last part out without her voice cracking.

I was quiet for a while; I knew who she was talking about. I had watched my beautiful wife get tortured by my crazy aunt. I did nothing; even though I loved her, I stood by and let it happen. And now it was haunting her still, and it may even be worse. I needed to let my anger settle because I had promised her I wouldn't be angry. I wanted to comfort her, not cause her more pain.

"No one is going to touch our children Hermione; no one is going to touch you like that again. I will protect you. I will die before I let someone like her get near our family. I'm sorry she hurts you still, but I promise that I won't let that happen again." I was telling her as much as I was telling myself.

She smiled at me and snuggled into me, "I love you, Draco. Thank you."

We laid there in silence before; I wouldn't fall asleep that night. I wouldn't sleep for about a week. I needed to protect her. Ever since that night, she hasn't had a nightmare, though. Once I was convinced that she was doing better, I would sleep.

The rest of our honeymoon was amazing. We spent the entire time together. We walked through every street and went to every bookstore, and we even visited the magical part of Paris and looked in their bookstores. We did every tour. Hermione was happy the entire time, which made me happy. We had to go back, though; Hermione was starting training, and I finally took over the business. 

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