Letter To Molly Ch 25

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Scorpius pov

Dear Molly,

We have arrived in California. The plane ride was very eventful. Dad was terrified and kept giving mom looks. She told us it was like a giant broom, but it didn't feel like that at all. We saw the ocean this morning, and compared to the hills and rain of Hogwarts, it is warm and sunny all of the time. I love how Hogwarts is, but it is beautiful here as well. I wish you were here too. You would love it. Tomorrow we are leaving for Wizarding San Francisco. I promise if there is any different candy, I will pick you up some. I know how you have a sweet tooth. I can't wait for the drive, mom was showing me pictures of everything we will see, and it is incredible. I will take as many pictures as I can so that you can see it as well. Perhaps one day I'll be able to show you everything we are seeing. I know you like learning about new places. I hope the burrow is not too boring. I hope you talked your dad into letting you go to the Ministry with him some days. Use all of that Slytherin scheming to make it happen, and let me know how it goes.

I promised you to let you know about Lyra and James. They haven't spoken this entire trip so far. He stays away from her, but I catch him looking at her all of the time. I don't know what she wrote in that letter, but it seems to have worked.

Hope everything is well,

I quickly sent my letter with our owl and went back outside to go back down to the beach. I loved it here, but I missed the Manor. Even though it rained much more there than it did here, it felt odd to be able to wear shorts every day. Plus, it was so hot here. Today it was 90. Dad and his pale skin, and Aunt Ginny, with her red hair, are not fairing well in the sun.

Molly Pov

An owl swooped into my bedroom late that night. He looked exhausted, and I knew why it was Scorp's owl. He must have flown a long way. I gave him water and food, and he quickly accepted and then fell asleep. I hope Scorp wouldn't mind if I kept him a few days. He must be so tired from his journey. He will definitely need the rest before I send him back with my letter.

I was about to open and read my letter when I heard my mother calling. What could she want, or was it almost time for bed?
I ran down the stairs, and she was standing there with a man I recognized from the ball, but I didn't know who it was.

"Molly, this is Blaise Zabini. He works with Scorpius's father. He needs you to answer a question for him."

I nodded at her and looked at him.

"Molly, I need to know if you have heard from Scorpius. Draco never told his mother he arrived, and she is afraid something happened to them. She sent their owl to find them, but it never came back. She is very distraught, and I remembered from the ball what good friends you were with Scorpius. Has he written to you?" the man was nervous, I could tell.

" I just received a letter from him tonight. His owl is sleeping in my room. He is exhausted. "

"Are you positive that it is the Malfoy's owl?" he didn't seem convinced with my answer.

"Yes, we used to go to the owlery together 3 times a week. I would know it anywhere." I was annoyed now.

"Very well, I will let Cissy know. When you write Scorp back, tell him to let his father know to write to Cissy. She is afraid something happened to him and her grandkids on the plane." with that, he left.

"Mother, didn't we receive a letter from Aunt Ginny's 2 days ago. Are they not together?"

"I doubt Draco hasn't written his mother. I am not sure what that is about." my mother seemed on edge. I wondered why.

I went up to my room and read my letter. I was glad he had written. He promised me before he left, but I knew he was going to be busy.

I am glad you are having a wonderful time. It is good to hear it. I think seeing America would be amazing. I will take you up on your offer to go with you next time.
I am also pleased that James had some sense about him finally. Hopefully, he stays like this.
I wanted to tell you that a man came by tonight and asked about your dad and why he hasn't written to your grandmother. You should ask him that, apparently, she is unwell thinking something bad happened to you all. His name was Blaise.
I hope everyone is alright.
Have a good trip,

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