From 2 to 4 ch 13

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Hermione POV

The nine months went quickly, well, the last two months went slowly, but that is only because I wasn't allowed to do anything. I sat in bed most of the day, and sometimes if I were having a perfect day, I would be able to sit in the garden and watch my children play. I was nervous about having four kids. I mean, going from two to four is quite a jump. Draco and I were confident that everything would be okay. I mean, Scorpius was 6 now, and Lyra was about to be 5; I know that is still young, but it isn't going to be like when we brought Lyra home, and Scorpius was still a baby. That would be insane. 

I am so proud of my children, yesterday I came downstairs, and instead of sitting in the garden to watch them play, they wanted to show me something special. Scorpius played the piano while Lyra sang for me. It brought tears to my eyes. Draco said that Lyra would be the best singer at Hogwarts when she got there; I laughed at him but secretly knew it was true. I don't know where she got the beautiful voice from because Draco and I cannot sing. I was happy too that Scorpius enjoyed playing the piano, I had always loved it as a kid, and I always believed it was important to be able to play an instrument. 

James still chases Lyra around, I mean, we all thought this would have passed by now, but it seems that he wants to be around her more than ever. Ginny and I think it is funny. Draco still does not like that he does it, and he calls for Harry to control James quicker now. I know at least when my kids are at Hogwarts all alone that James and Scorpius will make sure no boys mess with my little girl. Even though it seems like ages away, I know times will go faster than I think. I don't know what I will do when all of my babies are there at the same time. Scorpius will be in 7th year, and Lyra will be in 6th year when Orion and Cassi start. I am happy that they will all be there at the same time for one year, at least. Draco keeps talking about a Slytherin dream Quidditch team. I already know Scorp will join, and maybe these twins will as well, but I keep telling him there is no way that Lyra joins the team. 


"Hermione, but think about it, it would be like we have our own team. It's perfect. We could take on the Weasleys'. I'm sure they have enough kids and grandkids to make up a team as well. I'll even let James and Albus be on our team." Draco was practically whining at me.

"Draco, for the last time, Lyra isn't going to play Quidditch. Have you ever seen her get dirty?" I asked him.

"Well, no," He sounded sad, "But maybe eventually she will change her mind. It could happen, and I am holding out hope." He finished.

"Draco, I know you want to make your own team, but try and let your kids decide what they want to do, okay. I don't want our children to be afraid to tell you what house they are in because you keep pushing the Slytherin house dream team on them." I sighed. I hated how James and Scorpius always talked about which house they would be sorted into already. They were still children. 

"I know it is just so exciting that we are going to have a big family." He walked over and kissed me on the forehead.

END OF Flashback

 I smiled at the memory; he was truly so excited about these new additions to the family. He told me every night that it was a dream come true for him.

It was around 4 o'clock when Draco got home; he had picked the kids up from Harry's. "Good evening Draco." I was loud enough for him to hear from down the stairs.

I heard running feet up the stairs, and then my two beautiful children jumped on the bed. "Hello, mommy!" Scorp said with a bright smile.

"Good afternoon, Mother," Lyra said politely. 

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