Lily is Sorted ch 39

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Hermione POV

The summer had gone by so fast that I couldn't believe that the kids were going back to Hogwarts already. Scorpius, James, and Molly were all going to be fourth years. Lyra was a third year, Albus was starting his second, and Lily was going to be a first-year this term.

"Can you believe all three of my children are going to be at school? What am I going to do." Ginny asked me suddenly.

"I know it is crazy," I replied. I hugged her, "I wonder if you could finally find the time to write like you have been talking about Gin." I offered.

"About quidditch, perhaps dear," Harry spoke up.

"That sounds like a good idea." She sighed, and we watched as our kids went through the barrier.

Molly was waiting for Scorpius and James as always, and Lyra was walking with Albus. Lily was holding hands with the twins who hadn't stopped crying all morning. They were so close even though she was three years older than them. 

I heard her start talking to them, "It is going to be fine; it is going to be holiday before you guys know it, and then we can hang out every day." She smiled and hugged them both.

All of the kids said their goodbyes and got on the train. I watched as it sped away. This year was going to be a good one. I could feel it. 


I walked with Molly down the corridor, trying to find a compartment big enough for everyone. There were 6 of us. And Teddy said he might join us at some point, so 7. 

"Here is an open one." I finally said as I slid open the door, and everyone followed me in. I sat by Molly, and Lyra sat on the other side of her, and then when all of the Potters sat down, I laughed.

"What?" James asked, oblivious to what had happened. 

"We should take a picture of this to send to Aunt Ginny quick Lyra, get your camera," Molly said. James looked and sighed when he finally realized they had sat in age order.  Lyra snapped a picture before any of them could move, and as soon as she did, James stood up. He then sat next to Lyra and looked out the window for most of the ride. That is until Teddy came in. 

"Hello, everyone." He greeted us as he sat down next to Lily, who squealed in delight. She had always loved being with Teddy. 

"Hello, Lils. How is your first train ride going?"

"I'm very excited." She replied.

"Good, so I have some great news for all of you," Teddy announced.

"What is it, Teddy," James spoke up.

"I made Head Boy!"

"How wonderful, Teddy, great job!" Molly said delightedly. 

"Have you told Victorie yet?" I asked.

"No, I was going to tell her next. She said she had something to tell me as well. Hopefully, she isn't dumping me. That would really put a downer on today." I laughed, and so did James.

"Can you believe it is your last year, Teddy? What does it feel like?" Molly asked.

"Not sad, I think bittersweet." He smiled, and it looked like he was thinking about everything that happened while he was in school.

"Wish mom and dad were here to share it with me."

"You do, though, Teddy; you know dad and mom will be there." Lily was speaking to him. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, whispered something in his ear, and he smiled before getting up to leave.

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