The Gender Ch 9

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Hermione POV

The next morning I went over to Ginny's and Harry's for breakfast with Scorpius to have breakfast. Draco decided since he was going to the appointment with me tomorrow that he would take the whole day off work and spend it with Scorp, so today, he went into the office to get some work done. 

"Good morning Hermione," Harry came over and kissed my cheek.

"Good morning Harry, how are you?" I smiled back at him.

"I'm tired, James still doesn't sleep through the night, and with being an Auror, I wish I could be around to help Ginny more."

"You should take a couple of weeks off and go somewhere; I think she would like that, Harry." 

"You know what, that is a good idea; maybe I could talk to Shaklebolt today and surprise her." He sounded really excited now.

Ginny walked in and sat down; she knew I would ask them since she already knew what I was going to say. "Harry, would you mind sitting down? I have something to tell the two of you," I asked. He sat down and looked at me; he always seemed worried when I told him I had something to tell him.

"Harry," I began, "I couldn't hide this from Ginny, she is just way too observant to hide anything from her, and I told Draco last night, but I wanted to tell you today. I'm going to have another baby." I waited for his response.

"That is great, 'Mione; I'm so happy for you. Why are you nervous? Did Draco not seem happy?" He still looked concerned.

"Oh no, he is thrilled; I just thought everyone would think it was too soon after what happened." I let out a breath, knowing he was happy for me.

"Well, I think we were all scared then Hermione, but we all know you're strong and will fight through anything," Ginny responded for Harry. I smiled at the two of them and gave them both hugs.

"I'm happy for you 'Mione," Harry stood up and walked around to hug me before kissing Ginny goodbye, "I will see you later, Ginny, I love you. Hermione, I'm happy; you can relax now, okay." He said to me and waved at us as he left for work. 

"Now, you just have to tell your parents and Narcissa," Ginny said to me.

"How do you know I haven't done that yet," I replied, putting my hands on my hips.

"I know you 'Mione. You haven't told them." She replied with the same attitude I had given her.

Later that night.

Narcissa's POV

I had made dinner for everyone tonight because Draco told me they had big news for me, and I wanted it to be a special night. It was around 6 o'clock when Draco came into the dining room, carrying Scorpius.

"Where is Hermione?" I asked.

"She is in the restroom; she will be right down." He replied while putting Scorpius in his chair. I nodded and went back to filling everyone's glasses with water and champagne.

"Mother, that looks lovely, but please don't give Hermione any. She said she isn't feeling that well." 

"Very well then, I could have one of the elves make her a tonic for dinner." 

"That is alright, mother; she just doesn't want any is all." 

Hermione walked in, gave me a big smile before taking her place at the table. We all ate in comfortable silence, but I just had to know what they wanted to tell me.

"So I need to know what is this big news?" I asked, looking from Draco to Hermione.

Draco began to speak up, "Well, mother, we only just found out last night, so you cannot overreact. Hermione is four months pregnant." He smiled at me and grabbed her hand.

I smiled widely at the two of them. I was going to be a grandmother again. "How wonderful! I am so happy for the two of you." I was beaming at them.

"I'm glad you are so happy; we are too. We are going to the Healers tomorrow." Hermione spoke quietly.

"Well, I will be pleased to hear how it goes once you come home from work." I smiled at her. I could tell she was still worried, more so because of what happened the last time, but I know everything will be alright this time. I can feel it.

Monday at the Healers.

Dracos PoV

I left Scorpius with Mother until I went came home. I was so excited to spend the day with my son. I feel like now, especially because there will be a new baby coming that I need to spend more time with him because you have to spend so much time with a newborn. Hermione and I walked into the room that the Healer had led us to and sat down. I could tell she was nervous, but I still didn't know why. I mean, I am so scared that I might almost lose her again, but that hasn't stopped me from being happy.

"Hermione, please don't lie to me. Why are you so scared to have this baby?" I tried to sound as sweet as possible.

"Draco, I am just so scared." I could hear the pain in her voice.

"Because of Scorp?"

She nodded but then started speaking again; the more she spoke, the harder the tears fell, "When I was four, my mother got pregnant, and when the baby was born, he had already died. It broke my mother's heart. And then when I was six, it happened again. And again, when I was 10. I am just afraid I'm going to lose this baby. I don't want him to be an only child Draco."

"Hermione, you are not your mother; plus, you are a witch. Everything is going to be okay, you will see. The Healer will make sure everything is okay." I held her close until the Healer came in. It was Martha, the same woman who helped deliver Scorpius. 

"It is so nice to see you both again. Are you ready to begin, Mrs. Malfoy?" She had a soft and comforting voice.

Hermione nodded and got up on the table. Martha pointed her wand at Hermione's stomach and said a simple spell. Then Hermione's stomach began to glow a soft, warm pink.

"Well, it looks like you are going to be having a girl Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. Shall we see how healthy she is?" She smiled at us before Hermione nodded at her to continue.

"Everything checks out. Hermione, I know you will be working here until your delivery. However, I have already spoken to your supervisor, and she agrees with me. You are to be strictly on desk duty. Head Matron in your department." She sounded more serious this time.

", that is wonderful. Thank you. I promise I will abide by the rule, Martha." Hermione still looked awestruck. I would be too. I mean, she hasn't been here in a year, and they are promoting her. They must really want her to stay. 

"Congrats on your baby girl." She had the soft voice again and left the room."

"Hermione, we are going to have a girl." I was so excited. I already knew I was going to spoil her rotten. She would be a princess in my eyes. 

"Draco," I looked up at Hermione, "I think we should call her Lyra." She smiled at me and waited for me to answer.

"Lyra Rose Malfoy, what do you think," I replied to her with a smile.

"It is perfect. My little Lyra." She seemed calmer and happier. That made me ecstatic. I would have another child to love; my life was perfect right now. 

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