Picnic at the Malfoy's Ch 34

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Hermione POV

It was the middle of the summer, and Draco and I had invited some friends over to the Manor for a picnic. I was excited to have people over. Draco and I had been so busy this summer we hardly ever got to see our friends. The children had finished their term well, and the boys were friends again, which made Ginny and I happy. 

"Mother?" I turned to see Cassi standing in front of me. 

"Yes, dear?"

"I cannot find Orion anywhere." She sounded worried. The two were inseparable, so them not being together was quite odd, and I was instantly worried as well.

"Alright, dear, go find Scorp and have him help look with you, and I will find Daddy, alright?" I looked at her and smiled. No matter how scared I was, I tried not to let it show to my children.

"What about Lyra?" 

"Sweetheart, remember she is at Mrs. Weasley's house with Molly. They had become much better friends the second half of the term, and she would be coming over with Molly and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. She nodded and then went to get Scorpius. Once she was out of the room, I quickly ran into Draco's office. 

"Draco!" I burst through the door and stopped in my tracks. Orion was sleeping in Draco's arms, and Draco was fast asleep in his chair as well. None of my children ever came into Draco's office. No wonder Cassi couldn't find him.  I walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. Draco's eyes fluttered open, and he smiled at me.

"Draco, Cassi is beside herself because she cannot find Orion," I said, nodding to our son, that was still fast asleep on his lap.

"He came in here this morning early, complaining about not feeling well. He climbed in my lap Hermione and fell right to sleep. I didn't dare move."

"Does he have a fever?"

"No, I used all the spells you taught me, and he is completely fine. I don't know what is wrong with him.

"Mommy?" Cassi was standing in the doorway with Scorpius. "Is Orion okay?"

"Yes, dear, he is just tired, were the two of you up too late last night?" I asked her.

She looked at her feet, and that was answer enough. "It is alright, darling, we are not mad. I am just glad Orion is safe." I picked her up and hugged her. She was getting so big. Draco stood up and held onto Orion before he started to wake up from the sudden movement.

"Dad?" He asked sleepily.

"Yes, son?"

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings. He seemed confused about where he was at first, but soon he must have remembered. "You can put me down, Dad. I think I am okay." Draco set him down, and Cassi immediately started rambling about how worried she was about him. I smiled. The kids were so closed and loved one another so much, it meant the world to me, and I knew it meant a lot to Draco as well. Both of us both being only children, we are still so grateful to have such a large family. 

"Well, since everyone is where they belong, I am going to go back to the cooking before everyone arrives. Please all be ready by 1. I don't want people showing up to the Manor and my family still to be in their pajamas." I said to everyone as I walked back to the kitchen. 

We were having a lot of people over today. It was going to be wonderful having everyone here again. I listed everyone who was coming again today. I needed to make sure I had enough food for everyone.

 There would be the 6 of us, that was easy, Cissy, Andromeda, and Teddy. Cissy had finally made up with her sister, and it was wonderful; I was so pleased with how they were getting along and making up for all of the years they missed being together. Harry, Ginny, and their three kids. Blaise, Marie, and their two children, Marcus and Isabella. That was already 18 people. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were bringing Molly with them since Percy couldn't make it. 21. George, Angelina, and Fred. 24. My parents. 26. Bill and Fleur and their two children. 30. 

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