The Party Ch 5

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Draco POV

It was the day of the party, and Hermione was putting the finishing touches on the house for later. It was 11 am, and the guests would start arriving at 4. That gave Hermione 5 more hours to panic about what her parents would say. I tried to keep her as calm as I could, but it was just no use. I caved. I owled Ginny asking her to come over early to help Hermione calm down. An hour later, the redhead walked into the living room from the fireplace.

"Draco, you needed my help again. What did you mess up." She looked at me, concerned.

"I didn't mess anything up, quite the opposite. Come with me." I ushered her into the ballroom where Hermione was still setting up, even though I had told her numerous times that everything was going to go perfectly. "Hermione, sweetheart, don't be mad, but I brought Ginny over. We could tell her now, and then the two of you could spend the rest of the day getting ready together." I looked at her and smiled, hoping she wouldn't be mad. I enlisted her best friend to help make her relax.

"Tell her now?" She seemed confused at first. "Oh yes, maybe that would be nice to get ready with you, Ginny, just like we used to." Hermione smiled at the two of us.

"Tell me what?" Ginny looked more confused than Hermione did.

"Well," I began as I walked over to Hermione and snaked my arm around her waist, "we are going to be parents." 

She looked at us, and then the biggest grin appeared on her face. "Oh my gosh, this is perfect! I can't believe you guys are going to have a baby!" She ran over to us and gave us both hugs. She started to cry, and Hermione started crying as well. 

I bent down to whisper in Ginny's ear, "Please keep her as calm as possible, your my last hope in having her calm down." Ginny nodded at me, signaling she understood the request.

"Hermione, I'm so happy for you, let's go upstairs, and you can have a bath and then we can get ready," Ginny spoke to Hermione in a loving tone, but one I had grown to know meant she wasn't taking no for an answer. That is why I needed her. If there was anyone more stubborn than Hermione, it was Ginny.

Later one after everyone had arrived and had been served dinner, Hermione and I stood up, and I cleared my throat so that everyone would listen. 

"Thank you all for coming to this party, I know it was on short notice, but I'm so happy you all could join us, " I began. Hermione squeeze my hand before I continued, "Hermione and I wanted to have all of our family and friends over tonight to announce something to all of you together." I looked at Hermione, and she started to talk.

"We love you all very much, and we wanted to give you the great news that Draco and I are going to have a baby sometime next summer!" She smiled at everyone. I looked at my mom; she had started to cry, and I noticed the Grangers had as well. All the girls were happy, and the guys were standing up to start to give me handshakes. The only one that didn't look happy was Ron. I hope Hermione hadn't noticed, but when I looked at her face and how it had fallen slightly, I knew she had. I leaned in to whisper in her ear, "Hermione, it's okay. I'm sure he is happy for you." 

"He's not; I know Ron; I bet you he is fuming with jealousy right now. Why can't he be happy for me this once."

I was going to respond to her question when my mother and the Grangers walked up to us. 

"I am so happy for both of you; I can not believe I am going to be a grandmother. This is the most wonderful news." My mother was gushing at the both of us. She leaned in to kiss me on the cheek, and when she did, so she spoke to me very softly. "Draco, please, for me, do not be like your father. Love this child with your whole heart." She sounded sad. 

"I promise, mother." I smiled and kissed her cheek in return and then turned my attention to Hermione's parents.

"I am so happy for you both. I know the pair of you will make wonderful parents." Her mother was still crying.

"I love you, Hermione" Her dad kissed her forehead and then turned to me and gave me a firm handshake and a pat on the back. "Kids are a lot of work, son, but they are worth everything."

"I know it will be hard, but I couldn't be happier."

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