James and Lyra Ch 11

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Hermione POV

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Hermione POV

It is Lyra's fourth birthday, and everyone had just arrived. The kids were running around the house playing tag. Before Lyra had come down with Draco, James and Scorp were attached at the hip like they always are, but as soon as she came down, he abandoned their game of wizards chess that they were playing and had proceeded to chase her around the manor. Ginny and I thought it was adorable how he wanted to be around her so much and how she absolutely hated being with him. Most of the time, it would end up the same. James would chase Lyra until she was tired of running around, and then she would hide behind Draco until he was irritated with the boy enough to yell for Harry to control his child. Every time our two families were together, this would happen. Ginny and I, of course, had bets with our husbands that they would end up together. Ginny and I, of course, would love this. Draco and Harry, though, were not so keen on the idea. Draco and Lyra were inseparable, she was his little princess, and she was a total daddy's girl. I knew he would be protective of her more than anyone else after what happened the day after she was born. Parkinson had indeed been given the dementor's kiss, and soon after, she had been found dead in her cell. They told us that she had stopped eating. I know Draco was still apprehensive about this; he always reminded everyone that she was a Slytherin and would do anything to get what she wanted. 

"Harry, control your son!" I heard Draco yell from the other room. Just as I knew he would eventually. 


It was James's third birthday, and we had just arrived. As soon as I put Scorpius down, he ran over to James, and they started playing together. Ginny was walking over to us. She was holding Albus, who had been born 15 months ago and was already pregnant enough to tell. 

"Ginny, you are getting bigger by the day. How are you feeling?" I asked my best friend.

"Wonderful, this one is a girl. I can feel it." She smiled at me. 

Draco came in and tried to put Lyra down, but she just put her hands back up until he caved and picked her back up. 

"Lyra, why don't you go play with the kids? Daddy will be right here if you need him." I tried to pull her off of Draco. She was going through a phase where she had to know where Draco was. Very much like what Scorpius did with me. Convinced that Draco wasn't going to leave her alone, she let him put her down and started walking off. For two, she was a very advanced young lady. She was always sat up straight and said, please, and thank you. If you were to hear her without seeing how small she was, you would think she was much older. She never had anything on her clothes, even at two. A proper young lady Draco would always say. 

All of the adults talked for a while before we heard feet running through the house. The next thing we knew, Lyra was running up and hiding behind her father. 

"Daddy, James is trying to kiss me." She said with a frown forming on her face.

Draco looked shocked, and Ginny and I started to laugh. Then the two boys ran through the room and started circling Draco. Draco, in turn, picked up Lyra, and the boys kept pestering Draco until he yelled, "Potter, control your child."

"James, please leave Lyra alone; maybe you could go find the chessboard and learn how to play. Wouldn't that be fun?" Ginny quickly calmed her son and mine down. 

End of Flashback.

This scene played back in my head. Not only that one but multiple others that usually ended in the same way. 

"What are we going to do about those two once they are at Hogwarts?" Ginny wondered out loud.

"James is five, and Lyra is only four; we have plenty of time for them to forget all about this Gin," I responded. I am sure it is just a phase. Even though I had bet Draco that they would get together, I never really believed it. I mean, I like to bet against him. It is quite funny. 

"I am going to have to side with Hermione on this one, Ginny, soon James will think girls are gross, and this will pass," Harry spoke up as he walked in from the kitchen looking rather shaken.

"What's the matter, Harry, you're all red?" I asked with a small laugh.

"James is getting faster by the day; I don't think I will be able to keep up soon." Harry laughed.

Everything after that seemed to go smoothly until we heard a loud crash from upstairs and then crying. Draco and I immediately jumped to our feet and ran up the stairs. Ginny and Harry weren't far behind. Many things could have gone wrong. Between the four of us, we have 2 five-year-olds, a four-year-old, a three-year-old, and a two-year-old. Something crashing is never a good sign.

I ran into the room that the crash had happened; all of the kids were huddled in a corner together except Lyra, who was crying, looking at her hands.

"Lyra, what happened." Draco ran over to her. It was then I noticed all the glass on the floor. Ginny quickly picked up her two youngest, handing them to Harry and then James before grabbing Scorpius.

"I didn't mean to Daddy, James was making me angry, and then somehow I broke all the glass. Now they think I'm a monster." She was crying even louder than before.

"Oh, Lyra, you didn't mean to. It was just an accident. Your magic must be coming in. Scorpius and James had the same thing happen to them around your age." Draco took her in his arms, trying to comfort her. Though I could see from the smirk on his face, he was pleased with the magic that she had performed. It was true both boys had begun to show signs of magic, but never anything to this extreme. Draco always said she looked and acted exactly as I did. She did, in fact. She was a brilliant young girl and looked like I did when I was much younger, but her eyes were how you knew she was Draco's daughter. They pierced through your soul as his did. 

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