Letters Home 19

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Draco Pov

We were sitting in the living room when the owl I had got for Scorp flew in and landed next to Hermione. It was carrying two letters. She looked down and started to open one and then gave the other to Lyra. I couldn't believe Scorp had written to his sister; I was glad he did, though, because she was still upset that he had left. They had grown close; all of the kids were actually. It was nice to know that they would always have one another. I know my mother wishes she could still talk to her sister. 

"Are you going to read it out loud, Hermione?" I asked her. I wanted to know which house he had been sorted into. It was almost a week since he had left, and this was his first letter.

"Yes," she said. 

Dear mother and father,

I am very sorry this is the first time I have written. I have been so busy already, making sure I don't get lost and trying to settle in.

On the train, I met someone interesting. His name is Teddy Lupin. He says that we are his cousins, dad. I am sorry that we have never met him before. He is becoming a great friend. He even showed James and me around the castle and told us all about the moving stairs. It has been helpful. 

The sorting was pretty eventful too. James was sorted into Gryffindor, just like everyone thought. The hat sat on my head for what seemed forever. Eventually, it put me in Slytherin. James and I were disappointed that we are not in the same house, but we still find time to hang out. We are even in 3 of the same classes. 

I met a new friend as well, and her name is Molly Weasley. She was upset the first night because she said she is the first Weasley ever sorted into Slytherin, but I made sure she knew it was a good thing, that she was different. We are pretty good friends now, and since she knows James, we all hang out together. She has a lot of family here. I can't believe how many Weasleys there are. 

Anyway, I miss you all a lot. I can't wait to come home for Christmas. Love you all.


Mom, you are in one of these books in the library. I couldn't believe it. I can't believe you never showed us before.

Love Scorp

Hermione read the letter. She looked up at me when she read the last part. We had never really expressed to the kids how much their mother had helped in the war. We wanted her to be their mother, not a war hero first and then their mother.

I looked at Lyra. She had tears in her eyes, but also anger. "Lyra, what did Scorp send you," I asked.

"He just said I would love it and that he hopes this year can go fast so I can see it too." She sounded happy saying that, but I could still see her eyes were dark grey like mine when I get upset.

"Lyra, why are you angry?" I asked.

"He also says James still won't stop talking about me. I can't believe it. Why does he always want to be around me? Why can't he stop it." She was angry now for sure.

Hermione spoke up before I had the chance. "Lyra, some boys just don't understand. Boys are quite dull, really, when it comes to girls. Harry didn't know Ginny liked him for 8 years. He didn't know. Maybe James can't see that you like to be alone yet. He will, sweetheart. He is there too, so he will find lots of other things to do." Lyra nodded at her mother and took her letter upstairs. 

"Goodnight, mother, father." She said quietly before leaving the room.

Hermione and I were about to leave the room when the fireplace starting glowing green. Someone was flooing here, but who.

"Can you bloody believe it, my son hasn't even been there a week 'Mione, and he has already landed himself detention. A week." Ginny's voice was louder and angrier than I had heard in a very long time.

"Gin, what happened?" Hermione rushed to her side to calm her. I just stood there shell shocked. I was silently hoping it had nothing to do with Scorp.

"He punched someone during class!" She was still screaming.

"He did what, why? He must have had a good reason."

"Well, it was during Transfiguration, McGonagall owled me herself, someone in Slytherin called Molly a blood traitor, and some other things, saying how she doesn't deserve to be in Slytherin. Apparently, Scorp yelled at them in front of the whole class, so this kid..."

"Gin, what is it?" Hermione and I were both by her side now. 

"The kid said that Scorpius shouldn't either because his mother is a mudblood, and his dad is a no-good death-eater, turned blood traitor." She was crying into Hermione's sweater now, "So James just stood up and punched the kid in the face. He broke his jaw."

"Why didn't we receive a letter about this?" I was furious. 

"Harry went to the school this morning. McGonagall told him that Scorp promised to send one home to you both. Didn't you get one?" She seemed worried now.

"Lyra's letter Draco. He wrote one to Lyra!" Hermione was already out of the room before I could comprehend what she meant.

Soon she came back in with Lyra and the letter. She started to read it out loud.


You cannot get mad or tell mom and dad. You have to promise. I am taking care of everything. I wrote to them saying how everything was great. Really it isn't. I did really meet Molly, and you and she will be great friends when you get here. 

The boys in my dorm do not like me. Something about Death- Eaters: find out what that is and owl me back soon. Also, they keep calling mom a weird name. I have never heard it before. Someone called her that in class today, and James punched him in the face. Harry was here today, and I cannot go to classes until the kid is dealt with. I don't understand why no one likes me. The Gryffindor's' are better to me than my own house. 

Please, whatever you do, do not tell mom. She would be so upset, I am trying to figure this one out on my own, but I need your help. Please find out what Death-Eaters are. 

You are the best,


I was shocked. I looked at her, and she had tears in her eyes. I knew where Hermione must have found her. "Lyra, did you find out?" I asked her calmly.

She nodded, "Daddy, it says that you were one, that you hurt people."

"Lyra, remember when we talked about the war and how daddy had to protect Cissy, he had to become one. He isn't anymore. In fact, when Scorp was born, mommy almost died, and because dad protected us, he loved us so much, which was something Tom couldn't do. His mark went away." Hermione said, trying to explain to our ten-year-old something no kid should have to go through, yet it seems like every kid has and will.

I showed her my arm, and she looked at them curiously.

"Mom, what is the word they called you that made James so angry?"

Hermione froze. She didn't want to say it. She never wanted her kids to hear it. Ginny spoke up, "'Mione, you don't have to say it. Just show her." 

Lyra looked at her, confused, but Hermione rolled up her sleeves carefully. There on her arm was the scar that my aunt had given to her. Instead of looking 12 years old, it looked brand new, like she had been tortured yesterday. 

"Lyra, I got this during the war, when they caught Uncle Harry and me. Someone very mean hurt me. That word is what they used to call people like me, someone who is muggle-born. You should never say it, and neither should that boy have." Hermione sounded calm, but I could tell she wasn't. 

"Okay, are you going to go help Scorp now?" She looked concerned and then held out her bracelet, the part of it that was engraved with his name was glowing. He was in trouble.

Before I could process all of this, Hermione had apparated away, she had fought to end all of this, and I knew she thought it was going to come back and hurt her kids. She wouldn't let that happen.

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