Lyra's Letter Ch 29

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Hermione POV

It had been two weeks since the incident, and the kids were being checked every three days still. Draco wanted to be sure that no dark magic had been put into them. Harry and Draco had taken care of everyone. Lyra had to go in one day last week and release them. It had taken them a few hours to figure out how to have her release them. After Draco had finally convinced her they would not hurt her if they were just in the cell, the ropes disappeared. Draco and I were worried about what would happen when she went to school, we had already spoken to McGonagall about everything, and she had helped us feel better about sending her to school. She even said Kingsley and her would take turns every other week doing extra lessons for her. It was going to help her control her extra power. 

I heard the kids come down the stairs, and I neatly placed the letters by my two oldest plates. Scorpius got there first and smiled, knowing what was going to be inside. When Lyra sat down, her eyes became very wide. 

"Mother, my letter." She breathed. She opened it with care and scanned everything it had to say. "I am accepted to Hogwarts, mother. I get to go." She said in disbelief.

"Of course you do, Lyra, you are a witch, and you deserve to go to the best school," I replied. Draco walked in and sat down, and we all had breakfast. Lyra never let go of her letter.

"Lyra, if you put it down, you still get to go," Scorpius said.

"I know, I am just so excited." She smiled, something we had not seen a lot of lately.

"Today, would you all like to go to Diagon Alley? It could be a family trip. Maybe the Potters could go as well. Harry told me yesterday that Ginny is finally feeling much better." Draco said.

"That would be great. What do you think, kids." I turned and asked them.

"Can we have ice cream?" the twins asked in unison.

Draco laughed and nodded, yes. "We can pick up all of the books and get my robes, father. Finally." I had never seen Lyra this excited about something.

I owled Ginny, and they were over by lunch. We all ate together and then left for Diagon Alley. 

"So should we split up, boys and girls, or stay together?" Ginny asked the group. 

"Let's stay together, dear." Harry put an arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

We went to the bookstore first and helped all of the children who were going to find the books they needed. It was nice being in a bookstore I hadn't been in one in a while. I had all of the books I could ever need at the library at home, but the smell of new books made me so happy. 

Next, we went and got new robes for the boys who had somehow grown around 3 inches each during the summer and then found robes for Lyra. We also had ice cream and visited George. 

I was exhausted by the end of the day. Two weeks until I only had two kids in the house. I couldn't believe it. 

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