Hogmeade Ch36

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Scorpius POV

It was the first Hogsmeade weekend, and Molly, James, and I were going to go together. Molly and I were sitting at the Slytherin table; we had already finished breakfast and were waiting for James. 

"Hey, Molly?" Albus broke up the silence.

"Yes, Albus?" Molly replied.

"Later, when you get back, do you think you could help me with an essay for Professor Slughorn. I need someone to read over it. To check for mistakes?" He asked apprehensively. 

"Of course, I'll meet you in the common room after dinner, sound alright?" 

"Thank you," Albus said and then walked and sat down by some other first years.

I watched as Lyra and James came over to the table. I still couldn't believe they were getting along after all of those years of Lyra not wanting anything to do with him.

"Hello, brother," Lyra spoke to me and then sat down. Other students noticed this and were giving her weird looks. No one ever sat at a different house table. "Is there something on my face? Why are you all staring at me?" She spoke up again.

"Uh, well." One 5th year stammered. I laughed; only 5 years boys would be afraid and intimidated by Lyra. She was only a second year of Merlin's sake.

"I am sitting with my brother, not really groundbreaking news; please go back to your toast and stop staring at me." She really was all Gryffindor at times. James and I were laughing, and as soon as the boys turned away, James sat down as well.

"What brings you over here Lyra, you can't join us until next year," I asked her.

"I was going to ask if you could get me some sugar quills.  Mother and Father refuse to send me any more. Father wrote to me and told me I have bought out the whole supply. That really can't be true, so be a good big brother and check for me, please." 

I stared at her; she loved sugar quills, and dad was probably right; she probably did buy them all; he would never intentionally refuse to buy her something she wanted. "I'll look."

"Thank you very much, Scorp. Have fun; Albus and I are going to study by the lake, so if you bring any back, that is where I'll be." She stood up and walked over to Albus, and the two of them went off together. I was glad that they wouldn't be alone here.

"Now, how are we going to tell her there are no quills?" James asked suddenly.

"What?" Molly said.

"Dad would not buy her what she wanted. They are probably really out," I informed her. 

"She isn't going to believe you, Scorp." James sounded anxious. 

"I know, Molly, you are going to have to be the one to tell her. She will believe you." I turned to her.

"And why won't she believe you, Scorpius?"

"She is going to think Mother or Father wrote to me and told her not to buy her any."

"Oh, alright." Molly sighed. I knew she was already thinking about a way to break it to her.

When it was finally time to leave, the three of us got up and walked to the courtyard where we were all meeting, and then we walked to Hogsmeade with everyone else who was going.

"This is going to be great," James said, "Uncle George opened a new store in Hogsmeade we have to go."

"None of that stuff is permitted, remember James," Molly spoke like a mother towards him.

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