Baby? Ch 4

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Hermione's POV

It has been a month since Ron was hurt. Last week was Ginny's first match. They won, and she had scored 100 points. It was amazing. The only thing that wasn't great was that I have been getting sick almost every morning. Quite frankly, I was tired of it. I was seeing a Healer today to see what was wrong. I hadn't told Draco. I knew he would have wanted me to see the Healer sooner, but I needed to finish working, and I had been busy with so many other things that I didn't have time. 

I went into the Healer's office and sat down to wait. It was nice being a healer myself, I never had to wait long, and everyone else got straight to the point with me. I would have checked myself out days ago, but the policy was that if there was a Healer that wasn't feeling well, you had to be checked out by someone who outranked you. It was a good rule; it helped people not jump to conclusions. This is the reason I hadn't really thought about my symptoms very much. I was getting sick, but I didn't feel like I was sick. That was the truly annoying part. I hadn't been able to go to work for a week. I felt like I was letting the department down, but my supervisor informed me that she just wanted me to feel better and get checked out. 

"Mrs. Malfoy, nice to see you again." the Healer spoke to me; it was a woman I knew. I knew almost everyone now. 

"Nancy, how are you? I feel like I haven't seen you in a while," I responded with a smile.

"I'm good Hermione, I'm glad to see you looking better; would you care to tell me about what has been going on?" She got right to the point. I loved that; I wanted her to tell me I was fine so that I could get back to work.

"Well, I feel nauseous all of the time, and I'm getting sick in the mornings, that is really it. I don't have any other symptoms that would make me think I was sick." I went through the last week with her and everything that had happened.

She smiled at me; I didn't understand why; she knew I wanted to go back to work, and she didn't seem concerned at all. "Hermione, dear," she started; I was nervous now, "when was your last cycle?" 

I looked at her dumbfounded. My last cycle, but that would mean that she thought that I it can't be. Draco and I had been so careful. "You think I'm pregnant?!" I was practically screaming at her.

"Shh, it's okay dear, we will check just to be sure, and if that's not it, I'm admitting you for further tests." she was serious on the last part.

I was scared; I am not ready for a baby, but admitting me, means there could be something really wrong. What is Draco going to think? She walked over to me and asked me to lay down; I felt numb. I knew the spell she was going to perform. My stomach would glow when she said the incantation if I was going to have a baby. I shut my eyes when I heard her voice. I was too scared. I needed Draco.

"Don't tell me. I need to come back with Draco. I can't do this alone." I was suddenly speaking rapidly.

"Okay, Hermione, but I want you back within the hour with your husband, understand me." She spoke to me as I would speak to patients that were being difficult. I felt bad, but I needed him. Either way, whatever happened was going to change his life too. Not just mine. I got up and went to the fireplace to floo to his office.

I stepped out of the fireplace and could smell his cologne. "Draco," I whispered. He whipped around in his chair and stood up. I could see the panic in his eyes. I hardly ever visited him at work.

"Hermione, what's wrong?"

I explained how I hadn't been feeling well, and that the Healer needs to do a test, and that I was too scared to hear the results on my own. "I need you to be there with me, please."

"Of course. We can go right now," he spoke softly to me; I knew it was to make me feel better. "What are the tests they need to run, sweetheart." He asked me.

"Well, Nancy, the Healer, she thinks I might be pregnant," I spoke in barely a whisper.

"What!" he looked at me, shocked.

"Draco, please don't be mad. It might not be that, but if it isn't, then they have to admit me. That's why I need you. I am not sure which one is scarier."

"Of course it is the second one 'Mione. And how could you think I was going to be mad? All I have ever wanted was to have a family, and ever since we have been together, all I have wanted was to have a family with you. It might be a little sooner than we planned, but we are capable. A baby? That would be amazing." He ran to me and scooped me up in his arms, and kissed me.

"You are right; I am still scared, though." I smiled weakly at him.

"Let's go; I'll be with you through the whole thing." He grabbed my hand, and we walked toward the fireplace. Toward our future. Whatever that may be. 

"I was starting to think you forgot about me, Mrs. Malfoy. Your hour was almost up." Nancy sounded like a professional Healer, but I could tell deep down she wasn't at all concerned. "Mr. Malfoy." She nodded politely. 

 "Can we begin Nancy," I asked her, nerves ringing out in my voice? Draco could hear them, I'm sure, because he squeezed my hand a little tighter. 

"Of course, Hermione, if you could lay down like before, we can begin."

I did as I was told and shut my eyes like before. I was still scared. My whole life was about to change. 

"Hermione, look! Sweetheart, look!" Draco sounded so happy. I turned to look at him; first, he looked elated; I hadn't seen him smile that big since when I walked down the aisle on our wedding day. I slowly turned to look at my stomach. He was happy, I knew what that meant, but I needed to see for myself. Sure enough, when I looked at my stomach, it had a soft blue glow around it. A boy. A baby! I was going to be a mother. 

"Congratulations to you both." Nancy smiled at us and then left us alone.

"I'm going to be a dad, 'Mione." Draco looked at me and kissed my forehead. "You're going to be a mom. We are going to have a baby, a family." He suddenly sounded terrified. And then he stood up. What was going to happen? I started to panic, but he looked at me so seriously. 

"Hermione, I promise to always be here for this child; I will not be like my father. I will love this baby and any other children we have with everything I have."  He sounded so serious, but I knew why. Everything he had told me about his childhood was terrible—everything except his mother. 

"I know Draco. I know you are nothing like him. You are going to be a wonderful dad." I smiled at him and stood up.

"Can we plan a party for next Saturday? We can invite all of our friends and family to tell them!" He asked as a little kid asks for toys at a store.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea Draco." We laced our fingers together and walked out. I thanked Nancy, and she told me I could return to work Monday. Draco and I went home, we sent out invitations to our party, and then we laid in bed looking at my stomach. Our baby was in there—our baby. 

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