A War Story Ch 15

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Draco Pov

After I took Lyra flying, everyone went inside, and the kids all played together for a while longer before everyone went home. I had a nice day. Little did I know  I was about to have the hardest night in a long time. Hermione and I put the twins to bed, and when we were walking out of their room, she pulled me into a side hallway.

"Draco," She started, she seemed nervous, "Lyra wants to know about the war." She looked at me before she started crying.

"Hermione, why are you crying?" I was panicked now.

"I told a little bit earlier, so she would ride with you, and I know we promised to tell it together, and I broke that promise." She wouldn't look at me.

I pulled her into my arms and hugged her tight, "Hermione, I'm not mad. We can tell both of them the whole story now, it will be hard, but I am okay, I'm ready." I tried to sound as calm as I could. In truth, I was terrified to tell them. I didn't want them to hate me like I hated my father. She nodded, and we walked into the living room where they were both reading like they always did before bed.

"Children mother and I would like to talk to you." I started. 

"We want you to listen to us, to everything before you ask any questions. And this is to stay between the four of us. Orion and Cassi are too young, and your cousins deserve to find out about this from their parents when they are old enough. Understood." Hermione finished my thought. Both put their books down. Lyra looked ready to absorb any information that we were about to give her, and Scorpius looked very concerned. 

I took a deep breath and began, "A long time ago when mommy and I were first born, there was an evil man that thought muggles and people who were muggle-born were terrible, and he wanted to get rid of them. And there was a prophecy that told of how he was going to be stopped, so he tried to kill Uncle Harry because he was the one that was going to stop him," Lyra's eyes widened. She saw Harry all of the time; I knew she was confused about how he could have been killed and still be here, "It didn't work, though, because his mom and dad loved him so much that it protected him. When that happened, it made the bad man disappear, and many people thought he was gone forever, but some people still wanted him to return and finish what he had started. When mommy and I were at Hogwarts with Harry, I wasn't very nice to them like I am now because my father was one of his followers. I didn't understand then that what they believed was very wrong." I couldn't continue. Everything just got worse after that. I looked at Hermione for help. She was holding her arm, and my heart sunk even more.

"In our fourth year, the bad man found a way to come back. He stayed hidden, and he rebuilt his army. At the same time, the Headmaster at Hogwarts was building an army, too, to make sure so that he could keep everyone safe. Well, you know how there are bad people in Azkaban?" Hermione asked the kids, and they nodded. "Well, many of those bad people escaped, and they were his followers too." She looked at me. I know that she asked me silently if I would be okay with the next part of the story. I nodded and continued. I needed them to know I didn't want to be a Death Eater.

"Well, my father was a bad man, and when the evil man asked me to join him, I had to. Otherwise, I knew he would hurt Grandma Cissy, and I love her so much, and I needed to protect her like Harry's mom and Dad protected him. He made me promise to do a terrible thing, but when I was about to, I realized how wrong it was, what they were doing, and I couldn't." I took a breath and looked at Hermione for help again. This was harder than I thought.

"That summer Harry, Ron and I went into hiding, the bad man had taken over the ministry, and he wanted people to try and catch Harry so he could kill him so that he couldn't destroy his plan again. I helped Uncle Harry find things that the bad man was keeping safe; it kept him alive. We are not going to talk about those today; you are too young to know about such horrors, " Hermione's voice cracked, and I grabbed her hand." 

"They found mommy though and brought her here. So that my dad and aunt could make sure that it was Harry so they could give him to the bad man. They asked me to identify them, but I didn't because I didn't want to hurt any more people. I just wanted to save my family. Harry and mom escaped. Later there was a big battle at Hogwarts, and many many people died. Harry had gotten rid of all the things the bad man had hidden, and he found out that he would have to die too so that we could get rid of the bad man. He was very brave, but it didn't work again. So he came back and destroyed him. After that, they took all the bad away, and Grandma Cissy didn't go away because Uncle Harry saved her, and me." I breathed a sigh of relief. I looked at Hermione, and she was still clutching her arm.  The kids had never seen her scar because she was always in long sleeves when she was around them. 

"Do you have any questions?" Hermione asked out two eldest.

"Mom, why don't you call him by his name?" Scorp asked.

"Well, son, many people were so afraid to say his name because they thought it would bring him back. No one spoke his name. For a long time, we called him You-Know-Who. His name was Tom Riddle Scorp, but when he became bad, he called himself Voldemort." I shuddered at the name, and Lyra noticed. 

"Daddy, is he going to come back again?" She sounded scared.

"No, Lyra, he cannot come back. Harry made sure of it." I tried to sound confident so that she wouldn't be afraid. She nodded and me and looked at Hermione.

"Mother, why do you keep grabbing your arm?" she asked innocently.

I spoke up, "My aunt was an awful person Lyra, and she hurt mom."

"Is it because Grandpa and Grandma Granger are muggles?" Scorp asked this time.

"Yes, sweetheart, it is." Hermione was holding back the tears.

"Mommy, I'm sorry she hurt you. Maybe daddy could make it go away; he is a good Healer, you know," Lyra said sweetly.

Hermione spoke, and she sounded better, "Lyra, the type of scar she left can't be taken away. Daddy did take all the invisible scars away though, he makes me so happy, and he protects all of you and me that it makes me feel safe, and I am not scared anymore."

Lyra smiled and walked over to me and gave me a hug, "Daddy, I love you. I'm sorry the bad man hurt you. Did mommy fix all our scars too?" She looked up at me, and I smiled.

"She did Lyra; we fixed one another. And now we have a wonderful family, and you, Scorp, Orion, and Cassi's help make all of our fears disappear even more. 

Hermione took Lyra upstairs to go to bed, and Scorp was about to go to bed. "Scorpius," I was serious. He looked at me, "When you go to school, people are only going to remember the bad things that my father and I did. Many people have forgiven us, but some people have not; you need to know this. You are your own person; you are nothing like your grandfather. All that matters is what your family thinks, understand." 

He nodded, "And son, when Lyra and the twins get there, you have to protect them from those people, understand. You, James, and Albus have to protect them."

"I will, Dad, I promise."

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