Lyra's First Night Ch 30

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Draco POV

It was finally September first, and I had been up with Lyra since 5 a.m. She couldn't sleep; she was so excited, and she just wanted to go. It was 8 now, and Scorpius had just come down the stairs to have breakfast. Soon after, he was followed by the twins and what looked like an exhausted Hermione. 

"Good morning sweetheart, are you alright?" I asked her. She nodded at me and headed toward the sink. I stood up and followed her over, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her into a hug. "What is wrong?" I whispered into her ear.

"What are we going to do when all of them are gone? What am I going to do?" She was sobbing silently into my shirt.

"Hermione, you work four to five days a week, it will be the same then, plus it is still 5 more years until the twins go, it will be okay. Don't think about that now." I rubbed her back, and she stopped crying. When she looked up at me, I kissed her on the nose, sat her in a chair, and made everyone breakfast. Everyone seemed better after that, and Hermione triple checked the trunks to make sure they had everything. 

"Are we ready?" I asked, taking Lyra's hand.

Everyone said yes, and we in groups to the station. Once we were there, we all went through the wall again and waited for the Potters to arrive. Scorpius was so excited to see Molly; it was all he had talked about. Since vacation and the incident, they had not seen one another since we had gone to America. 

"Hermione, you look so tired." Ginny had appeared with Lily from the wall. 

"I am. I cried about Lyra leaving all morning." She smiled at Ginny slightly. 

"Well, both of these boys will make sure she is alright, I am sure. Right, boys." Ginny was staring at her son now. 

"Oh, yes." James nodded at his mother.

Harry walked through the wall with Albus, "The muggles were leaning on it." was all he said. We all laughed and walked further into the station toward the train, trying to avoid everyone and all of the animals. Lyra had chosen a grey and black cat; Hermione had, of course, loved this choice. 

"Molly!" Scorpius was yelling and running in front of us now. I watched as she threw her arms around him, and he picked her up in a hug. They were only 12, but Scorp looked much older. He was quite tall, as was James. 

"Hello, brother."  Ginny smiled and hugged her brother.

"Hello, everyone." He nodded at everyone and turned to Molly, who stepped away from Scorpius and into her father's arms. "Have a good term, study hard, and stay out of trouble, understand."

"Of course, father. I love you." She gave him one more hug before returning to all of the children. Lyra walked over and hugged her mother, Hermione said something, but I didn't hear it. Then she came over to me and hugged me very tight, "Father, I'll miss you. I promise I won't miss any of my extra lessons, and I will try not to hurt anyone." 

We had explained why she needed the lessons with Kingsley and McGonagall, but she still thought she was dangerous as many times as we told her. "I love you, Lyra. You are not going to hurt anyone, okay. If you need anything, ask Scorp or James, or even Molly. I am sure they will all help you find everything you need.

After we all hugged our children again, we watched as they got on the train. I couldn't believe we had two children old enough to be at Hogwarts. 

"Well, I guess there are only 8 of us now," Harry was smiling, "It should be easier to find a table for lunch." 

We all laughed and went to have lunch together. The whole time I was thinking about Lyra, and if she was going to be alright.

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