Their First Night 18

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Hermione POV

It was the First of September, and I had just gotten all of the kids up early and fed them breakfast. We were ready to go to King's Cross Station to see Scorpius off to the train for his first year at Hogwarts. I was a nervous wreck. I couldn't believe he was finally old enough.

"Are you sure you have packed everything?" I asked him again.

"Mom, you have checked multiple times. I have everything. I promise." He said with a sigh, I knew he wanted to get going, but we were waiting on the Potters to arrive so we could all go together.

"I'm sorry we are late! Lily threw a fit about not being able to go with James, and it took us 30 minutes to convince her to come with us." Ginny rambled as she stepped out of the fireplace. I smiled; the Weasleys were always late going to the train. I guess Ginny was keeping up the tradition. Harry stepped out moments later with his two boys. They looked like him more and more every day. 

Draco came into the room, "Are we all ready to go then?" He asked, taking Lyra's hand and Orion's as well. I nodded and grabbed Cassi's. I went into the fireplace first, and then Ginny and Lily went. Next, we watched James step out and then Scorpius. Harry and Albus, and finally Draco with Orion and Lyra. 

"Wonderful, let's go." James all but sprinted to the wall separating platforms 9 and 10. 

"James, wait!" Ginny called after him. She quickly caught him before he could go through. "You are doing this with one of us." 

"Mom, Dad said his first year he did it on his own. Please." He begged her, and I laughed. 

"Fine, but I am going first, so you can't leave without saying goodbye, mister." She scolded before grabbing Lily's hand tight, looking to make sure no muggles were watching, and quickly went through the wall. I took the twins, followed close behind her, and then watched as the boys came through one at a time. 

"Wow!" Scorp breathed.

"Son, you have grown up in the wizarding world. What do you think your mother said when she went through the first time." Draco chuckled and kissed me on the head. I thought about that memory, how everything was falling perfectly into place. I had finally found somewhere I belonged. 

I leaned down to talk to Scorp, "Remember what we said, not all people are so forgiving and don't tell your dad I told you this, but if you need to remind people of who both of your parents are and that we are best friends with Harry Potter, you do that. Understand me. No one worse or better than you, no one." I smiled and pulled him into a hug. Tears started to form in my eyes, so I let him go. 

"Mom, I'll write every week. I promise." He smiled at me before turning to look at his father.

"Make me proud, son, and don't forget about studying too." Draco winked at me, and I smiled. 

"I will, dad, don't worry, I will." He had his father's tone of determination. 

We watched them board the train. I saw them sit together in a compartment. I started to cry. How could my tiny baby be going to Hogwarts already?

"Don't worry; they will take care of one another. No matter the house." Draco whispered in my ear. Let us hope so because I knew plenty of families that were sending kids this year that still had not forgiven Draco, and they won't care that I'm his mother. All they will see is his last name. 

"Hermione, I will personally go into that school and hex anyone who picks on your son. Draco has proven more than once he is a good person. I still stand by my thought that you should have released a picture showing that your mark is gone." Ginny was rambling on again but stopped as I glared at her. We never did tell the kids about Draco's mark. What if someone asks?

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