Losing Her Ch 7

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Dracos POV

It had been two hours since they took Hermione away. A Healer walked toward us, and I stood up. She looked sad, and my heart fell.

"Mr. Malfoy, your son, is doing well; we had to do a muggle operation called a C-section to save him. He is being looked after by some Healers. He is tiny and will have to stay here for a while," she spoke to me with a somber tone. I nodded for her to go on. "Your wife lost a lot of blood, sir. She has about a 10 percent chance to come out of this alive; I'm so sorry. You should come with me and say your goodbyes."

I just looked at her. Hermione can't leave me. She didn't even meet our son. What am I going to do without her?

"Draco," Ginny was crying, I could tell, "Tell her that we love her, Draco." she hugged me.

"I will go get her parents from the house Draco. The Healers will have to let them in here with these circumstances." my mother spoke softly.

The Healer nodded at me, and I followed her to the room Hermione was in. When I walked in, I looked at my wife; she was so pale, she was fine this morning. Why is this happening? I sat down next to her and took her hand. She was cold. I couldn't be strong anymore. I started to cry.

"Hermione, please, you have to meet our son; he needs you. I need you, sweetheart. I need you to be here with me. Harry said you can fight this, and he's right. You have to fight this. Ginny loves you; let her tell you in person. Please, Hermione, stay with me. 1 year isn't long enough for me to love you; I want to show you and our son the world. I love you. Please." I cried harder. I heard the door open, and Mr. and Mrs. Granger walked in, tears in both of their eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I couldn't help her more," I told them.

"This isn't your fault, Draco; this isn't your fault." Mr. Granger kept repeating. They walked to the bed and sat down in the other chairs. Mrs. Granger held her daughter's hand. "Hermione, you listen to me," her mother spoke in a stern voice, "you have more to give this world, and I would like to see you do everything. So you need to wake up and take care of your son. He needs you, and Draco needs you. Do you understand me? You will wake up."

I looked at her. Her tears were gone, but I could still see all of the hurt on her face.

"Mr. Malfoy, would you like us to bring your son in so she could hold him." the Healer from before spoke to me. I nodded, and she walked back out. It was about 5 minutes before she brought a tiny baby into the room.

"Meet your son, Mr. Malfoy."

I took him in my arms. He was so tiny. He had my skin and already had my platinum blonde hair. He blinked and opened his eyes. They were Hermione's. Big and brown, he just looked at me; I couldn't help but smile. I didn't know I could love someone this much. I set him next to Hermione, and he looked up at his mother before closing his eyes again."

"Scorpius, this is your mother. She is exhausted right now, but she will get better, and she is going to teach you everything. She knows so much, and I know she will make sure you know just as much." I had started to speak to him. I laid his hand in Hermione's and watched my two loves sleep. How could she leave him? She just couldn't.

After two hours of lying there together, I felt something burning on my arm. I didn't want to look. I knew it was my dark mark; I didn't want to see it moving. He was gone. I started to panic and ripped my shirt up. It was fading, and then it was gone. I just looked at it, amazed.

"You must love them a lot" it was the Healer, "He couldn't love. And you proved to everyone that you do; your son must feel it." Her observation made me turn back to them. Hermione had grabbed Scorpius's hand. Her color was coming back. She turned, and then her eyes started to flutter open.

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