First Birthday Ch 8

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Hermione's POV

It was Scorpius's first birthday, and we had everyone coming over to the Manor. I could not believe it had been a year since he was born. I had to stay at St. Mungo's for a week before I was released, but even then, it was two more weeks before Draco would let me do anything on my own. Scorpius stayed there for one month before being released to come home. He had been a small baby, being a month early, but he was as healthy as could be now. Ginny had also had a boy, and his name was James Sirius Potter. The two boys were best friends even now. When Draco and Harry went to work, Ginny and I would often have play dates with the kids. I wanted Scorp to have as many friends and fun childhood. Draco and I both had lonely childhoods, and I did not want my son to feel that way. Cissy spoiled Scorpius any chance she could get, but I was determined to raise my son kind and not stuck up like I remember Draco being when I had first met him. 

All of our friends and family were coming over today to celebrate Scorpius's first birthday. I went into his room to get him ready for the day and then took him back to my room to get ready. I sat him in his bouncy chair and hopped in the shower. Draco and his mother were on a business trip and would be back right before the party. I hated being alone in his giant house, but I did love spending time with Scorpius. After this weekend, I would be going back to work. It took me a long time to recover from his birth, and the Head Healer gave me a full year of maternity leave. I was grateful to bond with my son that long, but I was glad to be returning to work. I loved helping people, and I missed it. Cissy was overjoyed when I had asked her if she would watch Scorp during the day. She loved the idea and agreed right away. After I got ready, I took my son downstairs and watched the elves put the finishing touches on for the party. It would start in 2 hours, and I started to get worried that Draco wasn't home yet. He promised me he wouldn't miss it, and he always stuck to his promises when it came to his family; no matter what important deal he was working on at work, he always made time for us. 

"Hermione!" I heard his familiar voice and turned around to see him walking towards me.

"I missed you, Draco," I said as he wrapped us both into a hug, and he kissed me before taking Scorp into his arms and giving him one as well.

"How has he been?" He asked me.

"Great, he almost walked for the first time yesterday." I shared with my husband. Just the Cissy walked in, and I hugged her. 

"Everything looks great; I think I will go to my room and change before everyone starts to arrive." She told us and then left to her wing of the Manor.

Draco and I talked for a while more before people started to arrive. The Potters were the first to arrive, and we put Scorp and James into a playpen with toys to play with. 

"Hermione, could I talk to you over there for a minute?" Ginny said suddenly. I nodded and followed her to where she had pointed. I was worried her demeanor had changed so quickly.

"What is it, Gin?" I asked her worriedly.

"How far along are you." She stated. She sounded hurt.

I blushed, "Please don't tell Draco; I haven't told anyone yet. I don't want him to be scared because of what happened last time. How did you know?"

"I can see your bump, Hermione. Why didn't you tell me?" 

"I haven't told anyone Gin, I planned on telling Draco tonight and then everyone else after that. I was going to tell you tomorrow, I promise."

"So how far along?" She questioned again.

"Four months, but I only found out a week ago."

"Four months!" She had gotten significantly louder.

"Ginny, please be quiet." I pleaded with her.

"I won't tell anyone, but you might want to change because women are going to be able to tell. I noticed right away. Men are too oblivious to know anything." She smiled and me before hugging me.

"Thank you, Gin. Would you tell Draco I'll be right back down," I asked her?

"Of course, I will. Just hurry."

I ran upstairs and put on the loosest dress I could find, looking in the mirror to see if I could see my small baby bump that was starting to show. I just had Scorpius, and now I was having another child. I couldn't believe it. I didn't tell Draco because I was scared. I didn't want him to be too. I walked back down the stairs back to Draco, Ginny, and Harry. Ginny gave me a thumbs up that only I could see.

"You changed?" Draco asked.

"I was uncomfortable in the other dress," I stated, trying to hide the nerves that had crept up.

"Well, you look beautiful." He smiled and kissed my hand. I blushed, and we walked into the garden where the party was going to be. A while later, everyone had arrived, and I was having a great time. 

"Thank you all for coming and celebrating with us today. I'm so glad that my family has so many wonderful friends." Draco spoke to everyone. I smiled at him, and everyone started to leave after a while.

"You need to tell him, Hermione," Ginny whispered to me as she hugged me goodbye.

"I will, and I'll stop by tomorrow with Scorp. I can tell Harry then. Is that okay?"

She smiled at me, "Of course, you are always welcome." 

I hugged Harry, and then they left.

I picked up Scorpius and took him upstairs. He yawned when I laid him down and went right to sleep as I read him a story. Tonight it was the Three Brothers from the copy Dumbledore had given me. After I kissed his head and told him I loved him, I walked across the hall to my room. Draco was already in his pajamas. He looked tired, maybe I could tell him tomorrow. But I knew I should tell him now.

"Draco, we need to talk." I tried to keep my voice as even as possible. Shoving the nerves deep inside me.

"What's wrong, sweetheart." He looked at me, his voice sounded calm, but I could tell from his eyes he was scared.

"I just found out this week, so don't get upset," I started, "I'm...I'm" I was choking on the words.

"Hermione, sweetheart, what is it? You can tell me." Draco's voice matched the fear in his eyes now.

"I'm pregnant," I suddenly blurted out. I started to cry. "I'm so scared, Draco."

"Hermione, I know the last time was scary, but we can do this together." He sounded relieved, which made me stop crying. He helped me to bed, and I leaned on his shoulder.

"It is so soon, though; I was just about to go back to work."

"I know you love being a Healer Hermione, but maybe you can do something else, where you are your own boss until we are done having kids for sure, and then you can go back to being a Healer."

I looked at him; he seemed to have the answers to everything. He spoke again, "Have you seen a Healer yet." 

"I have an appointment on Monday. Before I start my shift." I replied. 

"Well, I'll cancel my morning meetings and come with you." He stated.

"I love you, Draco." I smiled and kissed him. I loved him so much.

"I love you too, 'Mione." He fell asleep soon after, and I listened to his steady breathing before it lulled me to sleep as well.

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