Term Resumes Ch 33

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Molly POV

It was time to go back to Hogwarts, and the boys were still not talking to one another. Quite frankly, I was tired of it. I didn't understand why they had gotten so upset with one another and kept up being mad at each other. It must be exhausting doing that. I had a full proof plan to make them be friends again. The only problem was I needed Lyra to stay out of our compartment the entire train ride to school. I didn't know how I would do that, seeing as she didn't have very many friends. 

I saw James and Scorpius coming up to me on the platform; I gave them both a hug and then saw Lyra.

"You guys find a compartment, please I need to talk to Aunt Ginny and Lyra really fast." I smiled at them and pushed them toward the train. They both glared at me but didn't dare disagree with me. I knew they wouldn't. 

I walked toward Lyra quickly. "Hi, Lyra." I smiled at her.

"Hello, Molly." She said, and then she started to follow the boys.

"Wait," I said. She turned around, "Lyra, I need you to do me a favor."

"A favor?" She asked apprehensively.

"I know we do not know one another that well yet, but I am tired of James and Scorpius being angry at one another, and I have thought of a great plan to make them be friends again, or at least start speaking to one another again, but you cannot be in the compartment the whole train ride."

She looked at me. It felt like so long. "Alright, Molly. I will not sit with the three of you, but I want it to go well, so I hope your plan works. I don't like them being mad at one another, either."

"Great, thank you!" I smiled at her, opted out of hugging her, and then ran to find the boys.

I found them in a compartment toward the back of the train sitting on opposite sides, arms crossed, not speaking to one another. I took a breath, slide open the door, and sat down next to James. Both boys seemed confused by this act. I always sat next to Scorpius. We were best friends, plus James and I never really get along even though we are the same age and cousins. We never really clicked. 

"Mol?" Scorp looked hurt. I felt bad, I didn't want to hurt him and possibly make this worse, but I had to risk it.

"Yes?" I sounded calm; I think it is a trait I picked up from my father.

"What are you doing?" James spoke for Scorp. Just as I knew he would, they were both surprised by my actions.

"I sat down. What is the problem?" I asked them, my voice never wavered.

"You usually sit next to Scorp," James said. It was already working; he hadn't used his nickname since the last train ride.

"Well, new term, new seating arrangments," I spoke.

"Did I do something?" Scorpius's voice was low and sad.

"Yes, you both did." 

They looked at me, surprised once again. I had never really been angry at them before, I always helped them with everything and never once been frustrated with it, but this was enough to drive me mad. 

James was first to break the silence, "What did we do?" Scorp nodded at the question and looked at me with his big brown eyes. 

"Well, mostly I told the two of you I wouldn't be an owl, and yet somehow I feel like I have turned into one. Not a busy one, though, an ancient owl that is never used anymore. I am tired of the two of you not speaking, it is absolutely ridiculous, and I will not have it anymore. Scorp, for whatever reason, you were even madder at James for buying your sister a gift for Christmas, something she seemed to love. Why would that make you angry?" I looked at them, waiting for a response. My plan had been far more intricate than that, but it sort of just bubbled out of me before I could stop it.

"Molly," James started, but Scorpius interrupted him.

"James, I thought you promised me you would let her go." 

"I did."

"How? You were mad. I wanted to keep Teddy a secret, and you told her that you liked her. That isn't letting her go." Scorpius sounded angrier by the minute. It wasn't working.

"I did. I leave her alone in the common room unless she comes up to talk to me. I always get to meals first, so she has free will to sit next to whoever she chooses, and I do not push her about the fact that I like her Scorp. It isn't my fault. I have loved her since I first found out that is what it was I was feeling. I don't understand it; I am only 12, for Merlin's sake. I shouldn't love any girl outside of my family, but I do."

Scorpius had a dumbstruck look on his face. "You love her." was all he could say.

"Yes, I want to protect her and keep her safe. I want to know everything she likes and dislikes. I want to make her life easier and make her smile. I love her." James was standing now. He looked like he was going to cry. "I love her, and I cannot do anything about it."

"Why not?" Scorpius stood up too. I was in the corner, praying James would answer correctly here that everything would be fine.

"Because she is your little sister, and you asked me not to." James sighed and sat down; he put his head in his hands and could see his back shaking.  I knew he was crying. 

"What." Scorpius was really stupid today.

James looked up, "You asked me not to; she yelled at me not to. I listened. For once, I listened."

"James," Scorpius sounded like himself again, "How did you know she collected snow globes? She never tells anyone that?"

"She told me before the holiday; she said she loved how simple and beautiful they were. When I went out with my mom before Christmas and saw that I got her in a little shop, I knew she needed it. It had a red lion in it. It was her."

"She loves it, you know, she has never taken one out of her room after she gets one, and she brought this one with her." Scorpius looked at James. James looked shocked. 

"I'm really sorry James, I should have never said what I said, to begin with, she's just my baby sister, you know." 

"I know," James said.

I spoke up, "Great, friends?"

"Friends," I spoke in unison, and as soon as they did, I quickly changed seats, feeling far better sitting next to Scorp. After the feast, I will have to write to Aunt Ginny and Hermione and let them know everything is back to normal.

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