Quidditch Ch 37

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Draco POV

It was the first quidditch match of the season, and Hermione, Ginny, Harry, and I had come to Hogwarts to watch both Scorpius and James play. Both boys were excellent fliers; they had been doing it since they were young. I was walking through the courtyard with Hermione before the match. I wanted to see the tree. 

"It is still as beautiful as the day we first saw it, Draco." Hermione squeezed my hand. I had written 3 letters. It had taken me 14 years to find the words to say, but I finally found them. Hermione let go of my hand so I could put them in a lantern. One was for Fred Weasley. I stayed up at nights sometimes, thinking about how someone I knew had killed such a wonderful boy. It gave me nightmares thinking about how Mrs. Weasley could treat me like family when someone so close to mine had killed their son. The second was to Lupin. I needed to thank him for everything he had taught me, even when he didn't think I was listening. And finally one for Tonks. After all, she was my cousin, and I regret not having time to get to know her. 

"I love you, Draco." Hermione kissed me and then put her letters in as well. She had many more than I did. One for Fred, Lupin, Tonks, Moody. She wrote one for a boy named Colin. One for Dumbledore, and oddly enough one for Snape. I had written him a letter for him when the tree was first opened. 

"Their deaths are not your fault Draco. Not yours, not Harry's. Understand me." She had grabbed my hand and was whispering in my ear. I nodded and wiped away a tear that was starting to form. Ginny and Harry walk back to us from the other side of the tree, they both looked like they had been crying, and I felt worse then I had a minute ago.

"I am very sorry, Harry," I spoke softly.

"Draco, we have been friends for what, 14 years now. Longer than we were in school together. None of this was your fault. I know that everyone knows that. This is the first time actually seeing the tree in person. It was emotional."  We all nodded and walked to the pitch. The match was going to begin soon.

Hermione had found an old Gryffindor scarf and was wearing it. Harry and Ginny were as well; I, however, had a Slytherin scarf on. "Hermione, you know our son is in Slytherin. You are in the wrong color." I was teasing her.

"Ah, yes, I almost forgot." She pulled out her wand and made half of the scarf green and the other half red. "We have two children. One of them is in Gryffindor." She laughed back at me.

"Right, Lyra isn't playing." 

"She will be next year, I presume. James will want her on the team when the chaser position opens up. He talked about it all summer." Ginny was laughing now. 

"Your son, Potter." 

"I know Malfoy, I know. Keep him away from your daughter." Harry laughed, and Hermione joined in.

The game started, and we all stopped talking. Hermione was watching Scorpius carefully; every time a bludger came near him, she squeezed my hand rather tightly. "He is going to be alright, sweetheart." I tried to calm her down.

"Yeah, 'Mione, Gin, and I heard that if either James or Scorpius are hit with a bludger, Molly will stop being their friend. Scorp isn't going to risk that." Harry spoke up. I laughed, and Hermione smiled, though I could tell she was still worried.

It was 100 to 110 Slytherin, and I watched as James and Slytherin's seeker dove toward the snitch. They were close to the ground, then they both pulled us and went straight into the air. They were each close to the snitch when suddenly James fell from his broom. I looked for the snitch but couldn't see it. Hermione gasped. She was about to do something so he wouldn't plummet into the ground when suddenly he stopped mid-air. His broom came rushing towards him, and he was safely on top of it again. I looked over to the Gryffindor side of the pitch. Lyra was gripping the side of the stands staring at James. Madam Hooch quickly went and helped James down, where he showed everyone he had caught the snitch.

Hermione looked at me and then at Ginny and Harry. "I thought McGonagall and Kingsley were helping her to control her powers," I said to them as we rushed to the Headmistress's office. 

"Minerva." Hermione hugged her and then quickly pulled Lyra into one as well.

"I know you think that it wasn't controlled, but we have checked Mr. Potter twice, and he seems quite well for have been stopped mid-air. 

"Mother, it just scared me so much. It just happened. I felt it this time and thought about it carefully so he wouldn't disappear." Lyra seemed upset.

"Lyra, we are not angry with you; we are just glad everyone is alright." I hugged her, and she sunk into my arms.

I watched as Hermione stood up. "I am just going to go tell Scorpius he did a wonderful job, and then I think we should be going. Minerva seems to have it under control, Draco, no need to fret." I nodded at her, understanding her unspoken point that I shouldn't make the situation worse.

"We love you, Lyra," I said, planted a kiss on her forehead, and then left. Ginny and Harry were standing next to James, who was in a hospital bed. "McGonagall said he was alright," I said as we approached them.

"I am. Madam Pomfrey will not permit me to leave until morning." James answered.

"That seems like a wise decision." Harry smiled at Madam Pomfrey, and then Ginny and Harry turned to Hermione and me.

"We are really sorry, Gin." Hermione looked nervous.

"Sorry, Lyra saved James from crashing into the ground. No need for all of that nonsense." Ginny hugged Hermione and then her son before they both left. Scorpius was outside the hospital wing, and Hermione and I both told him how proud we were of him before leaving.

"Son, make sure your sister is alright," I said to him before joining my wife. 

"Why is it always our children?" I asked her. She laughed and shook her head before we left.


After my parents left, McGonagall gave me some chocolate, told me to eat it, and then told me I could go. I walked to the hospital wing as quickly as I could. When I entered, Scorpius and Molly were already sitting by James's bed. Albus was sitting on the bed next to his as well. I turned around to leave, but it was too late. James had seen me.

"Lyra, where do you think you are going? We need to talk." He didn't sound angry. I turned around, walked slowly to his bed, and pulled up a chair.

"Well, we will see you tomorrow in potions, actually try and sleep tonight, James," Scorpius said before the three of them walked out. We were alone, and suddenly I was nervous.

"James." I started, but he cut me off.

"Lyra, if you are feeling bad about what happened, you are daft. You did nothing wrong. Nothing is wrong with me at all. You don't have to be upset or sorry or anything. I just wanted to thank you."

"I used unknown magic on you, James. You could have disappeared like those men." I was talking very fast.

"But I didn't, you have been going to your lessons. They are obviously working. You used wandless magic and unknown magic to save me from breaking probably all of my bones. You are silly." 

I looked at him. I knew he was right, "Now everyone knows." I whispered.

"Well, if anyone gives you grief about it, they will have to deal with Scorpius and me because that is absurd if they think it is anything less than amazing." He smiled at me and put his hand on mine. This was only the second time he had done this, but I was instantly calm again. It was the weirdest feeling. I looked at our hands, and he pulled away. The nerves were back again, and I wished he hadn't taken his hand away.

"I think I will stay here tonight." I declared suddenly.

"You cannot do that, Lyra. You will be in so much trouble." James was looking at me with a frown.

"Fine, but you better be at breakfast tomorrow to fend off anyone, and you had better have all your arms and legs, and nothing extra. Understand." He laughed and agreed before I left the hospital wing. I walked back up to the common room and went straight to bed. I was exhausted after having done whatever I did to stop James in midair. 

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