The First Year Done Ch 23

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Draco POV

After Ron's escapade at the ball, the rest of the year whizzed by. The twins were getting bigger every day, and Lyra was already laying out things to pack for her first year at Hogwarts. She had convinced me to buy her a trunk early so that she could figure out a way to fit the most amount of books and other required supplies in the trunk. I could tell she was already excited; she talked about it every day. 

Today we were all picking Scorpius up from the station. It had been so long since we had seen him, and I could tell Hermione was dying to have all four of her children under the same roof once again. Harry and Ginny had come over to the Manor with their kids as well, and the 9 of us were on our way to pick them up.

"I am so glad none of the kids will ever be at Hogwarts without family," Ginny stated after a while.

"Your right Ginny, I hadn't thought of that. James and Scorpius, and then Lyra will join them and then Albus, and then when the twins and Lily go, they will all be together." Hermione was smiling at the thought of how her children would never be alone. 

"Ah yes, at least we know Draco, that there will be plenty of big brother figures to protect our little girls from stupid boys," Harry said with a chuckle. I laughed, thinking about this. It didn't really work in my favor if James kept up his charade with Lyra, though. 

Every time James would come to visit throughout the holiday break, he would end up chasing Lyra around, or they would end up in a huge fight because he would constantly annoy her. I couldn't believe it was still going on. Everyone told me that it would pass, but he seems to want to be around her more than ever. I could already tell this summer was going to be long. We were planning on going on vacation with the Potters to America. I had suggested Germany or France, but everyone else had loved Hermione's idea of visiting some historical landmarks in America. We had even booked tickets to take an airplane. Hermione said absolutely not to apparating with the children, and a port key would not be strong enough to take us all across an ocean. So muggle flying was the solution we all agreed on. 

We arrived at the station, and we all went through the barrier, just as the train was pulling up. I looked down at Lyra, who was staring at it with a gleam in her eyes.

"Are you excited, Lyra?" I asked her.

"Oh, yes, I cannot wait to receive my letter." She sounded impatient at the thought of having to wait almost 3 months.

Soon I saw three children running towards us. It was quite a sight. Scorpius still had my platinum blonde hair. It was slicked back like I used to wear it. James had Harry's dark hair that never was in place, and then Molly had fiery red hair that screamed Weasley; it was all in place in a tight ponytail that reached her back. They all looked so different, but they also looked like they should be together. Perfectly in place together.

"James!" Ginny yelled, running to envelope him in a hug.

Scorpius came over and hugged Hermione right away. Where Lyra and I were inseparable at times, so were Scorpius and Hermione. "Hello, Mother, I missed you." 

"I missed you too, Scorpius. How was the rest of your term? Did exams go well?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, mother, everything went well. I even got James to study with us." He laughed as he said this, and James turned around and scowled at him.

"I would have studied." He declared.

"When James, 2 minutes before the test?" Molly said with an attitude that reviled Ginny's. 

"No, we didn't have to start 2 months before the exams started. I barely talked you into going to the matches with me." 

"You know James, Hermione would start studying for exams the day we started back to school." Harry was laughing at his joke. I was too. Hermione was looking at the both of us and glaring just as James was.

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