The Real Plan Ch 28

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Draco POV

As soon as I got the rest of the kids out, I knew Hermione would get Arthur and Molly somewhere safe. We had taken all of the kids back to the ministry, and they were all in Harry's office now. Not only were they in the innermost part of the ministry, but there were also around a dozen Aurors stationed around the department as well. Harry was holding Ginny and their kids, she was crying, and Harry was shaking slightly. I couldn't imagine how he was feeling, I remember when Hermione was kidnapped how I felt, and this time it had hurt no less. He hadn't seen the message. First, we had worked through the night, ignoring everything except the files. When we finally went to get breakfast, he reached into his pocket and took out the coin. His eyes were wide, and then all of a sudden, Ginny was standing in the doorway with tear-stained cheeks. She had a death grip on her two youngest. Harry ran to her faster than I could process, and then he took the kids, she looked at me, and we apparated. 

The place my family was dark and damp; I can't believe I let my family stay here all night. There were multiple men around Hermione; she was standing guard by the door, a wand in hand. I smiled to myself, knowing my wife was smart enough and talented enough to be able to get a wand from another wizard without hers. I took my two youngest, and Ginny took Lyra and James. I came back for Scorp, she smiled at me, and I smiled back. We were going to be ok now.

I was pulled from my thoughts by people screaming. Harry and I quickly went to the door and locked everyone else inside. Hermione wasn't back yet. Hopefully, she stayed where she was, and she didn't apparate into a battle zone. We saw death eaters coming towards us. The guards all looked dead behind them. Why was this still happening?

Harry and I started disarming as many as we could, but there were so many. Only 25 escaped; how were there this many followers already. No one had heard anything about death eaters until this escape. All of a sudden, I saw one of the men go and unlock the door. How had he done that? Harry's office was one of the most protected parts of the Ministry, after the minister himself. I ran back. Harry could handle these men; he had beaten death more than once. My babies were in there. I wasn't going to let them get hurt. I got behind the man. Ginny was in front of all of the kids, her wand out. Suddenly she was up in ropes choaking. I panicked and ran towards the man, magic forgotten. I needed to beat him. He wasn't going to get my family. Suddenly I was thrown on the floor. I could barely see. I was blacking out. No, this wasn't happening. I needed to protect them. I saw a bright light. And then darkness.

"Draco!" I heard shouting. "Draco, wake up." It was Hermione's voice. My eyes fluttered open. Harry and Ginny were gone, but all of the kids were standing behind Hermione. Lyra was shaking, and Scorp held the twins, and James was doing the same to his brother and sister. 


"Oh, thank goodness, Draco." 

"What happened? Where did that man go? He was hurting Ginny." I was distraught. I had failed.

"Draco, it is okay. Harry took her to St. Mungos already. She will be fine, maybe some scarring." Hermione sounded calm. How had everything turned out fine? They were winning.

"What happened," I asked, sitting up slightly.

I heard Lyra speak up, her voice was shaking, "Dad, that person hurt you and Aunt Ginny; I was so scared I didn't mean to hurt them." She started to cry. I looked at Hermione. I didn't understand. That is when I heard James.

"Uncle Draco, he put my mom up in ropes, she was hanging and couldn't breathe, and you tried to stop him, but he threw you off, and you got knocked out. When that happened, Lyra stepped in front of us. Scorpius and I tried to stop her, we were trying to protect them, but she got away, and all of a sudden the man was gone and everyone outside was gone too. It was like they vanished. Lyra had a bright light around her the whole time. And when they were gone, it stopped. She made them go away."

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