Healer Ch 2

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Hermione POV

I had been in training for about a month when my supervisor decided that I was ready to become a Healer. She told me that it was the fastest anyone had been trained, but she knew I was ready. I worked with children for the first month of my career, but after my nightmares came back, Draco urged me to talk to the Healer in charge and ask them to change my position. I loved working with children, but I had not had a good night's sleep in weeks, and I knew it was affecting Draco as well. I knew he was right, so now I am working with people who have been hurt in magical mishaps. It was rewarding work, and I loved going to St. Mungos every day. Weekends Draco and I both had off, and we would take walks in the garden and go out to dinner. Sometimes we would get together with Harry and Ginny and help them plan their upcoming wedding. I was happy for them, and I couldn't wait to be Ginny's maid of honor. She was so busy with the Harpies that I had taken on a lot of planning for her. I couldn't believe how much I was doing, Cissy had done most of the planning for my wedding, and I still thought I did a lot. 

I was on break one day at work when the emergency bells rang, and I was halted in my tracks. Ron was being wheeled in on a stretcher with Lavender Brown at his head, screaming for people to do their jobs. It wasn't my department, he had probably been hurt during practice, but it was Ron. I ran after Lavender, and when I finally caught up, I was panting. I grabbed her arm and spun her around.

"What happened?" I screamed at her.

"Hermione...why the hell do you care? You two don't even speak anymore." She replied with malice in her voice.

"Lavender, I work here, and for your information, I have known Ron a lot longer than you two have been together. He is still one of my best friends." I spat back in a rather unprofessional manner.

"Well, he fell off his broom and still hasn't woken up if you must know." She sounded worried now. "They won't let me in." She was starting to cry now.

"How about I try and find out what is going on and get back to you. Would that be okay?" My training had kicked in, and I was in full empathy mode. She nodded slightly, and I walked into the room they had taken Ron in.

"Healer Malfoy, we were just going to call for you." The healer that was standing by Ron's bed looked at me, surprised.

"Oh." was all I could say. There were bandages everywhere that were soaked in blood. He looked worse than when he had been splinched. 

"You are listed as Mr. Weasley's emergency contact. I presume that is why you are here." She looked at me, suspiciously.

"Of course," I began, but this was brand new information to me, "I saw him being rushed in while I was on break and came straight here." I was sure that my voice didn't waiver this time—enough conviction to come across that I was not there under false pretenses. 

"He has a major concussion, and we have not been able to stop the bleeding yet. He seems that he was hit with an unknown curse in addition to having fallen off his broom. I wonder since you were his contact if you know what these scars are on his arm?"

"He was splinched when we were running away from Voldemort during the war, " She flinched when I mentioned his name, but I paid it no mind and kept talking, "I trying to heal his wounds the best I could with what we had."

"You did a good job considering the factors then. They seem to have healed almost perfectly." She responded. All I could do was nod. My best friend that I haven't talked to in months is lying in front of me, dying. We didn't even apologize to one another yet. What if I never could. I started tearing up when I remembered how this was similar to 6th year.

"He's been poisoned before!" I blurted out, not really thinking how this could help.

"Excuse me, do you know what with."

"I'm... I'm not sure; it was while we were at Hogwarts. Madam Pomfrey healed him."

"Well then she should know; that is very helpful, Hermione. Thank you, that is probably why he won't stop bleeding. I will summon her right away. You can have the rest of the day off. Go home. This much be hard for you. I'll send you a Patronus if anything changes."

I nodded at the nurse and walked out. Lavender practically ran me over once I was out the door. I told her everything without looking at her, and she started to cry. I told her to go home and to come back tomorrow. I knew they wouldn't let her in unless his bleeding stopped. As soon as I got to a place I could apparate, I went straight to the Burrow. 

I popped in, which startled Mrs. Weasley. I looked at the clock, mortal danger. That is where Ron's hand was at. I looked back at her and followed her eyes until she noticed, as well. She screamed, and I explained everything, and she went to St. Mungo's immediately. I then used their fireplace to flew to the ministry. I needed to tell Harry. And then I could go home. I was doing what I always did work on autopilot until everyone was informed, and then I would go to my husband, and then, and only then, could I not be okay.

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