Baby Shower Ch 6

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Hermione POV

It was 1 month until I was due. Today was my baby shower. We are going to have it at the Manor, and Draco and I decided we wanted everyone to be invited, not just the women. We wanted to spend time with all of our family and friends before taking care of a baby full time. I had one more week of work before my maternity leave, and Draco was going to start working from home when the baby was born. I was so excited. We were going to be having a boy, and Draco and I would announce the name today. I had a feeling Draco had thought about this name a lot since he was younger because he knew instantly when I asked him what he should name our child. I was just happy he was so happy to be starting a family. I mean, we were still young, and it was scary, but I knew we could do it.

"Draco, and you ready to go downstairs?" I called into the bathroom.

"Yes, just one second!" he yelled back.

I waited on the bed, and he came out in black slacks and a green button-up. I was pretty big by now and was wearing a light sundress. I was so hot all of the time.

He smiled and kissed me on the forehead, "You look beautiful, sweetheart."

"Thank you. Ready for our party?" I asked him.

"Yes, let's go downstairs." he grabbed my hand, and we walked downstairs together.
Everyone was gathered in the living room, and they all started clapping when we entered.

"Hermione, you look beautiful. Are you so excited!" Ginny was smiling at me. She had been married for a couple of months now and was already starting to show. I was glad our kids would be so close together. They would be in the same year at Hogwarts, and I loved that. 

"How are you feeling, Ginny's, still have morning sickness?" I asked her. 

"Nope, not anymore. I'm glad too; that was getting so annoying," she responded with a laugh.
It was nice to share this with her. We had always been great friends, but this just made us even closer. She and Harry were going to be the godparents, and we were going to ask them today. It took Draco awhile to get used to the idea, but I think he knew they would be all along. I trust the two of them with my life, and I would trust my son with them as well. 

I walked around with Draco talking to all of our friends, and then we all ate lunch together. I looked around; I loved everyone in this room. I can't believe how lucky I was to be blessed with such a wonderful life after everything that had happened in the past. 

Draco stood up and started making his speech. He held my hand the entire time and kept smiling at me. I have the most wonderful husband; I kept thinking. 

"Hermione, would you like to give the honors and tell everyone what our son's name is going to be?" Draco asked me. 

I stood up and nodded at him, "We have decided to name our son Scorpius Draco Malfoy, and we would like to ask two of our very good friends to be the godparents. Ginny, Harry, would you please be our child's godparents?" I smiled at them. 

Harry smiled at me and started to get teary-eyed, and Ginny stood up and told us yes for the both of them," We would love that, Hermione!" she came over and gave us both a hug. 

"I love the name you have chosen" Cissy stood up and announced, "To Scorpius." She raised her glass, and we followed suit.
After that, Draco and I opened so many gifts I couldn't believe everything everyone had gotten for us. It was so nice. Everything was so small; I couldn't believe my baby would be that small.
Suddenly I felt my stomach lurch, and I winced in pain; I grabbed for Draco's hand and squeezed it hard. 

"Hermione, what is it?" Draco asked me; I could hear the fear in his voice. 

"Draco, help me." I managed to get out before I passed out.

Draco POV 

I caught Hermione as she passed out. "Mother! What's happening?" I called to her, I tried to sound okay, but I wasn't remotely calm. I was terrified. 

"Quick, you need to floo her to St. Mungo's now!" She yelled at me, and she pushed her way forward.
Ginny ran forward, "Harry just apparated there to warn them you are coming. Go Draco; we will be right behind you." 

I ran to the fireplace and threw the powder down, "St. Mungos," I said as clearly as I could manage. I held Hermione close. I looked down. We were there already. She was bleeding. Harry was waiting for us there. He saw too; his face drained of color. 

"Draco over here." one of the Healers yelled. I set Hermione down on the bed, and she was levated away.
Harry put his hand on my shoulder, "She's strong Draco, she will fight." Harry's voice was shaky, though. 

"Draco," Ginny and my mother were walking toward us. "Is she okay? What happened." Ginny was panting. 

"She was bleeding, Ginny. They took her away." I started to cry, and my mother wrapped me in a hug.

"I can't lose them, mother, I just can't," I spoke so softly I didn't even know if she could hear me.

Note: yes, I know I switched the order of children—no need to comment on it. Thanks for reading!

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