Their Letters 17

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Draco POV

Scorp had turned 11 a few weeks ago; I couldn't believe he would go to Hogwarts soon. When I got up this morning to go to work, his letter was on the table. I immediately canceled all of my meetings and stayed home. I couldn't miss his face. I went and woke up, Hermione. 

"Sweetheart, I'm not going to work today," I whispered in her ear.

She shot up, "Are you sick? Is everything okay?" She was asking a million other questions. She had not gone back to be a Healer since the twins were born. Instead, she started doing part-time charity work at the Ministry, but she was still a mother and a Healer, which meant if you even had a cough, she was asking you a million questions.

"No, Scorps letter came. I want to see his face when he reads it."

"It did. Should we go wake him up!" She was just as excited.

"Hermione, I don't think I ever asked you about when you got your letter." I was curious.

"Oh, you know, Dumbledore and McGonagall showed up at my house and had to explain everything to my parents. It made everything make sense. It was the best day of my life." She explained as she got ready.

"Shall go downstairs and wait for the kids?" I asked as I took her hand and kissed it. She smiled and nodded, and we walked down the stairs, only to be met with a scream.

"Mother! Father! Look what came for me!" Scorp came running into the hall and collided with us.

"What is it?" I asked; I wanted him to tell me, even though I already knew.

"My letter, My letter came!" He was jumping up and down. Then his face fell.

"Scorpius, are you not excited?" Hermione bent down, and he sat on her knee.

"What if Lyra, Orion, or Cassi needs me. I will be so far from them. What if something happens while I am away." He kept listing off so many things, all of which involved his siblings.

"Scorp, just because you are going doesn't mean we are too," I chuckled, "You are a wonderful brother, but they will be fine. Plus, you are going to learn so many cool things, and you will get to tell us all about it on your winter holiday." I said.

"Okay." His smile picked back up again.

"Well, are you going to read it?" Hermione asked, placing him back on the floor in front of us. During this time, Lyra had come and nuzzled herself between my arm and leg; she still had her pajamas on and looked so tired still. Scorpius's screaming had probably woken the house up.

Mr. Malfoy,

I am pleased to inform you that you are hereby accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Term will begin September 1st, and your reply will be expected before the 31st of August. A list of required materials is listed below.

Headmistress McGonagall.

Scorp read the letter out loud and then handed me the sheet with everything that he needed. Everything that I had needed from the first year was still on the list. Nothing much had changed, except hopefully now everyone will be more unified, and the houses won't have so much hatred between them.

"Well, maybe James can meet us in Diagon Alley tomorrow. It will be busy, but I know your mother wants to go and get everything now." I said, smiling at Hermione. 

"Daddy, when do I get to go," Lyra asked. I knew she knew that answer perfectly well, but she really was so tired. 

"Next time you will go with James and Scorp. The three of you will stay great friends and help one another." Hermione answered for me.

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