Twins? Ch 13

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Draco POV

It had been a couple of months since Lyra's party, and we had hired a private tutor for our children. Mostly she was helping them learn to control their magic because they were so young, but also Hermione had insisted on having them learn muggle subjects as well. She wanted them to be well-rounded people she called it. As long as they were happy and they had time to be kids as well I was fine with it. Tuesdays and Thursdays they would have lessons with Margery, their tutor, and then Fridays and Mondays were free for them to do as they wished. Mostly Scorpius played chess with mother and Lyra read. Sometimes, however, they would play outside on their broomsticks, or garden with their grandmother. I was happy they were experiencing these things that I hardly ever was able to experience. On Wednesdays though, their schedule resembled my entire childhood. They woke up at 8 a.m. and ate breakfast right away. Then Scorp would have piano and violin lessons, while Lyra did voice and viola lessons. Next, they would have dance lessons and edict lessons. Then after all of that, they would have lunch with their grandmother until 1 p.m. After lunch, they would march the grounds and then after dinner, they would have astronomy lessons with Hermione or me. 

Hermione and I know it is a lot for children, but my mother was quite insistent about raising them as proper Malfoy's. We had tried to minimize the extra lessons, and that had satisfied my mother.

Having a five and four-year-old kept Hermione and me busy. I had hired a wonderful assistant to help me run Malfoy Enterprises, Blaise Zabini, and Hermione was still the Matron Healer in her department at St. Mungos. Everyone knew she would make the Head Healer when the current one retires in the coming years. She ran everything with precision and accuracy that made the patients and Healers very happy. Not only that she was very kind to everyone.

"Hello, sweetheart, how was work today?" I asked as Hermione sat down at the table. Mother had taken the children to the opera tonight and Hermione and I were on our own.

"It was great, although I had to see the Head Healer today because I wasn't feeling well." she didn't look up from her plate. 

"Hermione is everything alright. You aren't sick are you?"

"No, but you are going to need to come to the Healers with me tomorrow. You have been there for the rest of the appointments when I find out the gender of our babies." She smiled at me suddenly.

"A baby?" I was asking in disbelief. "We are having another baby?" 

"Yes Draco, we are going to be parents again." She was beaming now.

"That is wonderful Hermione." I stood up and walked over to give her a kiss. I always wanted a big family, and my dream was coming true. It was the best gift someone could have given me.

The next morning Hermione and I got up and had breakfast with the kids. It was Wednesday and they would have lessons all day, so we didn't need to be worried about where they were going to be. Hermione and I had decided last night we would tell them about their sibling once we found out if it was going to be a boy or a girl. We wanted them to help us pick a name.

"Good morning Hermione dear, so happy to see you again. Expecting another little one are we." Martha spoke to Hermione in her normal soft sweet voice. We nodded and she started the spell. We were expecting a blue or pink glow, but instead, we got a vibrant, bright purple. 

"Martha, what is wrong." Hermione sounded worried, and she squeezed my hand tighter. 

"Great news for the two of you, but first we are going to need you to take this potion before. Let me fetch it for you." Martha spoke lightly and left. Hermione and I looked at one another with confusion and then Martha came back in and handed Hermione a vile.

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