Healing Ch 3

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Hermione's POV

When I arrived at the Ministry of Magic, I was on autopilot. I went straight to Harry's office. Normally you can't get in to see an Auror without an appointment, but I'm me and being Harry's best friend slash savior of the world, you have your privileges.

"Hermione, what are you doing here?" Harry started out sounding happy, but once he saw my tired face and still in my Healer robes, he quickly sounded worried. 

"Is Ginny, alright?" He was around his desk in front of me. He looked sick.

"It's Ron. He fell, and he won't stop bleeding, and he isn't waking up, Harry." I replied in a monotone way. 

A small frown started to appear on her face, though I knew he was relieved it wasn't Ginny.

"Should we go then?" he asked.

"You should; they told me to go home and that if anything changed, they would send me a Patronus. I need to sleep; I have been up for a while now." I replied.

"Alright, I'll go tell Mrs. Weasley and then head over." He was on best friend save everyone mode now. He always was when someone he loved was in danger. It was what made him such a good friend.

"I have already been there. Could you see if Arthur knows, though? And Harry, did you know that Ron has me listed as his emergency contact?" I knew I sounded like I was going to cry, but I pushed my feelings down. I can't yet. Not here.

"No, Hermione. I didn't." He looked at me with sad eyes. He knew why I had asked. We hadn't spoken in months. How...I was starting to tear up. I needed Draco.

"Harry, please owl me when you get there. I need to go" with that. I rushed out and went home.

It was three hours past when I should have been getting home front work, and I knew Draco probably had a search party out for me by now.
I walked in, and Draco was on the phone I had given him to call me when I visited my parents.

"No, I haven't seen her. She should be home by now!" he was yelling into the phone.

"Draco," I whispered.

He turned around quickly. "She just walked in. I'll have her call you in a little bit. Thank you, guys." I knew he was talking to my parents.

"Are you alright? What happened?" He ran over to me and hugged me. It was then that I could let go. I started crying, and he held me tighter. I just wanted the pain to stop before I told him everything. So I cried and cried until I couldn't any longer.

"Are you ready to tell me now, sweetheart?" he asked softly.

I nodded and told him everything. I knew I needed to cry more, but nothing was coming out. Towards the end of the story, it was getting harder to speak. Draco sat there patiently and waited for me to tell him.

"What if he doesn't wake up, and we can never apologize to one another, Draco?!" was the last thing I could say.
He looked at me and dried the last tear that was hanging on my cheek. 

"He will sweetheart, he obviously still is an important person in your life, and he obviously knows you are an important person in his life of you are his emergency contact. Everything is going to be okay." he sounded sad for some reason.

I smiled at him and buried my head in his chest. I felt so safe with Draco. He tapped me on the shoulder, so I looked up. There was a Patronus in front of us.

"Madam Pomfrey doesn't know what poison it was; she recalled that Harry was the one that helped him not die. I'm afraid if we don't find out what it was soon, he is going to die." it was the Healer's voice that I had talked to earlier. I started to cry again, and Draco went paler than usual.

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