Albus is Sorted Ch 35

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Scorpius's POV

It was time to start term again, and we were all on the train already going to Hogwarts. James, Molly, and I were third years this year, and we couldn't wait to go to Hogsmeade. Lyra was a second year, and Albus was going to be starting his first year this term. All 5 of us were in a compartment together, Albus looked really nervous about being sorted, and James kept teasing him. I didn't know why he was so nervous. We all knew that Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny didn't care which house he would be in, but no matter how many times someone told him that, he didn't believe us.

"Albus, everything is going to be fine. I was the first Malfoy to ever be in a house other than Slytherin; it is going to be okay, we promise." Lyra was talking to Albus again. She was trying so hard to help, but I couldn't tell that it wasn't helping. 

I decided I would give it a try, "Hey Albus, it is no big deal really, plus if you are sorted into Slytherin, you are going to have Molly and me there to help you with everything, plus you will get to be away from James some more." I tried to joke about it, but he just slunk into his seat more and didn't look at anyone.


Lyra's POV

James and I walked into the Great Hall together and found seats at the table. Soon all of the first years came in, and the sorting started. Many first-year students were sorted before Albus's name was called. James and I watched him walk up and take his place on the stool. James was holding his breath, I could tell.

I looked over at Scorp and Molly, and they were staring at him, too, just as we were. 

"SLYTHERIN!" the hat called. I looked at Albus, who looked defeated as he walked over toward Molly and Scorp.

"Do you think he is going to be alright?" I turned to ask James. He had a frown on his face and looked really angry. "James, why are you angry?" I crossed my arms and tried to sound as disappointed as possible.

"He is a Potter; he should be in Gryffindor." 

"Well, then I guess I will go pack up my things and change houses then; I am a Malfoy, remember, I should be in Slytherin if we are going off of last names, and I don't recall that being how the hat works."

James sighed and looked over at his brother, who I noticed was staring right at him. I was happy when James gave him a smile and a small wave. I looked over right in time to see Albus let out a breath and smile back at his brother.

"That is what I thought," I said as I uncrossed my arms.

"I know you are right, Lyra. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings if I did."

"It is alright, James; you have to imagine how he feels. Remember how Molly felt when she was sorted into Slytherin. The first Weasley ever."

"I know, your right; I should not have gotten angry at all. I know." James kept repeating it all night. 


When the hat announced that I would be in Slytherin, I was worried about what James was going to say. He had been teasing me all morning about how I better be in Gryffindor and not let dad down. I was terrified by that thought. I knew deep down he wouldn't care, but what if he did.

After I sat down next to Molly and Scorpius, I looked right at James. He had a frown on his face, and I could see that Lyra was scolding him for something. She was younger than him and Scorpius, but she always seemed to scold them when Aunt Hermione wasn't around. Soon after she was done talking, James looked at me and smiled before sending over a little wave. It felt like a giant weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I was less scared to write my letter home now.

Mom and Dad,

I was sorted into Slytherin, and I think that I am okay with it. Scorpius and Molly have really helped me out tonight and on the train too. Don't worry, mom; you do not have to send James a Howler; he smiled and even waved at me from the Gryffindor table. I suspect that Lyra has something to do with that. He would never do something that she doesn't like. I hope that you guys are okay with me not being sorted in the family house, but hopefully, I will be able to make friends just like Scorpius and Molly. 

I love you both, 

Albus Severus. 

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