Meeting Lyra ch 10

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Draco POV

It was two days until Lyra was supposed to be born, and my life was as crazy as ever. The business had expanded even more since my last business deal, and Scorp was turning two soon. We couldn't keep our eyes off of him; if you did, then he would be completely on the other side of the house. He could walk so fast it was crazy. Also, he was starting to speak more, and right now, his favorite word was no. And worse than all of that, if Hermione left the room, he would scream until he could see her again. It was an ongoing problem that we hadn't quite fixed yet. Hermione was anxious about what he was going to do when she had to give birth. The only time he seemed to be okay without Hermione was when James was around. Ginny had agreed to stay at our house while Hermione was at St. Mungos with James, so hopefully, that will keep him calm and happy. If you had told me even three years ago that I would be best friends with Harry Potter, I would have thought you were crazy, but here I hope that our families will stay close for our whole lives. 

I had just gotten into bed when Hermione walked out of the bathroom with a worried look on her face. "Draco, my water broke. You need to send a Patronus to Ginny, and we need to tell your mother so we can leave." She was speaking so fast.

"Okay, Hermione, why don't you sit down and I will be very fast." I was calm, I knew she was still very frightened, and I wanted her to feel safe. "Minkey," I called for one of our elves, she appeared quickly, "Could you please tell mother Hermione has gone into labor, and I have sent a Patronus to Ginny Potter because she is staying here. I need her to be awake when Scorpius wakes up." 

"Of course, Master, right away." She bowed and left to convey the message to Mother.

"Alright, Hermione, come here, sweetheart," I called from the fireplace. When she had reached me, I grabbed her arm, and we left right away. 

We arrived quickly, and I sat Hermione down in a chair and rushed to the front desk. Even though her water had just broken about ten minutes ago, her contractions were already so close together. "My wife is going into labor, ma'am," I told the Healer at the front desk.

"Name." She spoke flatly.

"Hermione Malfoy," I responded coolly. 

"Oh sir," she looked up from her paper, "Of course, let me go get Martha and take you to her room." 

I nodded and went to help Hermione up; she looked like she was in so much pain. We followed the young Healer to a private room, and Martha was there within the minute. She had been there for Hermione's first birth, and she had insisted on being there again. Hermione and I had both agreed, she was a wonderful Healer, and Hermione trusted her a lot, which I liked more than anything. 

"Alright dear, you are almost ready to begin, I want you to hold Draco's hand and do exactly as I say, and everything will be alright. Understand?" She spoke to Hermione like a mother. Hermione nodded at her and closed her eyes, her hand tightened around mine as Martha told her to push.

It was about an hour later before Martha had our baby girl in her arms. Hermione looked up to ask something when she let out a loud cry, and Hermione laid back down, crying.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" 

"Nothing Draco, she's okay, I'm happy."

Martha walked back in with Lyra, "She is perfectly healthy. Would you like to meet your daughter Mr. Malfoy?"

I nodded, and she handed her to me; she was much bigger than Scorpius was when he was born. She already had light curly brown hair that looked a lot like Hermione's did now, but she was pale like me and had bright blue-grey eyes. She was the exact opposite of Scorpius besides the skin tone. I couldn't believe it. I sat down and showed her to Hermione.

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