Christmas Ch 32

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Hermione POV

The children wrote every week, and I didn't have to make an emergency trip to the castle this term, so I think it went well. The ball last night was wonderful, and nothing eventful happened. I was so happy that we had a normal four months. I was hoping that this was going to be continued for next term. I had been woken up early by the twins jumping on the bed. I had gotten them to go back to sleep when I realized it was so early in the morning, but I had not been able to go back to sleep as well.

"Draco, it is almost 8. I am going to make breakfast," I whispered in his ear. He grumbled something about sleeping in longer, and I smiled. I got up carefully, went downstairs, and made breakfast. It was around 8:30 when Draco came into the kitchen and kissed me. 

"This all looks wonderful, sweetheart." He smiled at me and sat down in his place at the table. Soon the twins were sitting in their spots as well. Everyone knew they couldn't eat until everyone was up. I loved having meals as a family, and this rule we had never broken. It was 8:50 before both Scorpius and Lyra were in their seat. As soon as I sat down, everyone started to eat. After that was done, and Draco and I cleaned up, we went into the living room to open presents.

I had gotten all three of my boys matching watches. Draco's and Scorpius's had snakes on them with emeralds in the face, and Orion's was blank. 

"When you are sorted, the jeweler will add to yours and put your house color jewels on," I explained to him.

"They are wonderful, Hermione. Thank you." Draco kissed me, and Scorpius thanked me and put his on. "I love it."

I got the girl's pearl necklaces and matching bracelets. Cassi had two little black pearls in the center of hers on with a C and the other an O. "I love it, Mommy, thank you." I know she was only 6, but there was a charm so that it wouldn't break, and the jeweler said he could add more pearls when I needed it to be bigger for her. Lyra's had two gold pearls in the center of her necklace that surrounded a silver droplet that came down with a ruby M in the middle. 

"Mother, it is beautiful." She smiled at me and put it on carefully. "I am going to wear it to dinner tonight." I hugged her and then opened the gifts that were sitting in front of me. The first thing was from the twins, it was a picture frame with little pictures of Draco and me all around it, and then the middle big picture was of the whole family. I loved presents like this. I loved all of the happy memories I had with my family. Next, I opened Lyra's gift; it was an old book that I had never seen before. 

"McGonagall gave it to me for our lessons. I read it and thought you would like it. She said it is one of the books that Godric Gryffindor wrote when they first opened Hogwarts." My eyes grew wide. 

"That is wonderful, Lyra, thank you." Then I opened a second book from Scorpius; it was a muggle book.

"It is all of the stories you used to read to us, mom, but we all recorded them with Dad's help, so you can hear us read them." 

"How wonderful." I was barely holding back the tears. Draco passes me a small box, and when I opened it, I saw a small silver band with a single jewel. The jewel was red and green mixed. I had never seen anything like this before. It was so beautiful. I slipped it on. It was perfect. The two of us so different, yet so perfect for one another, melding together to make one family. 

"Thank you, Draco." I was crying now. Everything was so wonderful. I kissed Draco and watched the kids open the rest of their presents. When we were done, we ate a small lunch and then got ready to go; we had been invited to the Burrow for Christmas dinner. I couldn't say no to Molly's cooking and had convinced Draco that it would be a nice time.

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