3 Years Later Ch 14

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Hermione's POV

Scorp is now 9, and Lyra is 8, and the twins have their 3rd birthday. I can't believe how fast the last three years have gone. Today we were having a cookout with the Potters' and the Zabinis'. Blaise had started helping Draco at work, and they had quickly rekindled their friendship. He had married a nice witch from Italy, and they had two kids together; Isabella and Marcus. Isabella was 5, and Marcus was 4. All of the kids were close in age, and I hoped they would stay friends throughout their time at Hogwarts. James was the same age as Scorp, while Albus was 7, and Lily was 6. 

James was still chasing Lyra around everywhere, though he had learned to be more careful, Lyra's magic was stronger than any of the other kids, and if she were angry different, fragile objects would explode. After the last time this happened, he learned only to do it while she was giggling, and once she became annoyed, he would find his way back to whatever he and Scorp were doing before that.

Today, however, he had spent the night, and Lyra had already broken all of the glassware I had set out for the party. Twice. 

"James Sirus Potter, you had better stop it now, before your mother arrives." I hardly ever scolded my children or anyone else's children, but I didn't want to clean up the glass again.

He looked at me with wide eyes before whispering sorry and going outside to ride with Scorp. Soon after that, Ginny came through the fireplace with Lily; she looked just like Ginny, the red fiery hair and all. Then right after her, Harry stepped through with Albus in tow. Both Harry and Ginny's boys had been given the curse of their father's hair. It never laid down but instead stuck out in a million different places all of the time. 

"Good afternoon Ginny, how are you?" I asked, going over to give them all hugs.

"I'm doing well, thank you, how has my eldest son behaved?" She asked knowingly.

"Well, Lyra has broken the glassware twice, and I had to scold him earlier, but he has been perfect ever since," I responded with a laugh. Ginny's eyes widened.

"Twice?" She asked in a deadly whisper.

"Gin, it isn't that big of a deal, I promise," I told her, trying to reassure her. It was too late; she was already yelling his name.

"JAMES SIRIUS POTTER!" She called. The manor was huge, but we all knew he would be able to hear her just fine.

Soon after, he came running in with a frown on his face, "Yes, mother?" He tried to sound as innocent as possible. 

"I thought we had discussed at home that you were not going to chase and bother Lyra while you stayed here, did we not." She was calm, but I knew she would be having this discussion at home later as well.

"Mother, I tried; I mean, she looks so pretty in her dress I couldn't help it. I want to be her friend." He was trying his best to make it sound better than it was.

"James, Lyra will be friends with you when you stop chasing her around the house, and I'm sure your Aunt would appreciate less of a mess when you come over." Harry had taken over the scolding now, we both knew Ginny hated excuses, and his answer would have set her right over the edge.

"You will apologize now, and next time I might not be so willing to let you come over, understood." Ginny finished before turning back to me and saying sorry through her eyes.

I laughed, "Gin, it is fine, really." 

We walked into the kitchen, but right before we had gone in, I heard the fireplace again; I turned around and smiled, "Draco, you are early."

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