Mother to the Rescue ch 20

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Hermione POV

I apparated to Hogsmeade. I didn't care if Scorp didn't want me there if someone was going to insult our family. I was going to take care of it. I walked up to the gates, surprisingly McGonagall was waiting for me. I couldn't believe it. 

"Hermione, you could have flooed into my office; I wouldn't have had to walk all of the way out here then." I saw her smile slightly.

"I didn't inform you I was coming," I spoke flatly. I was still beyond angry with everything that I had learned just a little while ago.

"Your husband sent me a Patronus, your son is in my office, and the other boy is with Neville." 

"I never sent him my congratulations on the position; perhaps I could see him after, it has been so long." I was calmer now; McGonagall was like a second mother to me, and knowing she was taking care of my son helped me relax.

"So, what have you heard." She was serious now.

"I have heard everything. James acts just like Harry; he will protect his friends till his death. Scorp likes to deal with everything by himself, which is why the letter he promised to send to us was sent to his sister." 

"He reminds me of Draco, although he very well behaved. That he must have got from you." McGonagall and I discussed everything until we arrived at her office. It was like I remember it, down to the password, Lemon Drops.

"Mother?" Scorp looked surprised to see me.

"I am not here to lecture you yet, son, though do not think that you are not going to be in trouble for lying to the Headmistress and owling your sister such words." I was kind but still firm. He knew he was going to be in much bigger trouble. 

"Now, I would like you, Mr. Malfoy, to wait outside while I speak to your mother," McGonagall spoke to him like I remember her talking to Ron, Harry and I were caught up in trouble.

"Now, do you know who the other child is?" She had turned her attention back to me.

"No, Ma'am." 

"It is Flint's son. I am sure you remember him." She seemed worried about this.

"Yes, he was a year or two ahead of us, I believe. He played Quidditch if I remember correctly. He knocked Harry off his broom. The game he broke his arm." I frowned as I remembered the event. 

"His father was recently sent to Azkaban. Not until recently was it made known that he was a Death-Eater." McGonagall was frowning too.

"I thought we fought to stop all of this nonsense. I am absolutely tired of this." I was angry; how could I have stopped this, yet my children were still being subjected to it.

"Hermione, I need to ask you a favor. Your husband too. Harry told me about his arm. It is gone, is it not?" She looked at me, curiously.

"It is since Scorpius was born," I responded carefully.

"I want you, Draco, and Harry to come to the school tomorrow or the next day and explain everything. I will have a reporter of my choosing here. I want to put this all the rest, and unfortunately, he is the only one I have ever heard that it has happened to. I am dealing with Mr. Flint accordingly. Being only 11, I am hoping we can mold him to something completely different than his father." She waited for my response.

"I would need to talk to Draco. I don't know. I just. My kids, we just told them." I was stuttering.

"This is for your son and future children. I want to show everyone that Draco is changed. The kids in his dorm still think he is a death eater, so they don't speak to him. Flint is the only child that is still using that derogatory term." She was pleading with me now.

"Well, I will owl you once I am home, and I will let you know." 

"Well then, I will leave you to deal with Scorpius. I know that you probably have quite a lot to tell him."

I nodded her, and she left, showing Scorpius back in. 

"Mom, I didn't want James to hurt him. He just got so mad, and I didn't do anything cause I didn't understand what he called you. James told me that dad used to call you that. He heard Ginny and Harry talking about it once. " He was rambling on and on.

"Scorp, I am not mad at you. I am not mad at James. He is just like Harry. He would have done the same thing if he was here. Dad used to call me that because his dad made him, just like he made join the wrong side of the war. He didn't want to, and he is still sorry about to this day."

"Mom, I don't understand why it is so bad." He sounded scared of what my answer might be.

"Scorp, it means I have dirty blood because my parents are not wizards. It means I should be treated less than I am. People who call people like me that were who fought for Tom. He wanted to get rid of all Muggle-borns and half breeds. He didn't think they were worthy."

"That is absurd." He looked disgusted.

"I know Scorp, that is why we had the war. Scorp. Dad and I are probably going to come back here and talk to everyone about something important. Remember how we talked about how dad's mark went away when you were born?" I asked him. He nodded. "We never told anyone else besides our family. We have to now, to keep you and the rest of our family safe."

"Okay, mom, I am sorry I didn't owl you. I thought Lyra would help me fix it. Why did you come, anyway?"

"Lyra's bracelet was glowing. Who was hurting you, Scorp?" 

"He escaped from Neville, and he hit me. Madam Pomfrey healed me already." He looked at the floor.

"Son, are you are a Malfoy, you are not to be ashamed of that. Understand me. I am a Malfoy now, older Malfoys and Blacks hurt me, but now I am proud to be one."

"They hurt you?" He seemed scared. I rolled up my sleeve and showed my scar to him. It was even harder to show him than Lyra. Lyra, I knew, would take it in and then try and figure it all out before being angry. Scorp would be angry right away, though.

"Mom, how. How did you survive that? It still looks new."

"Son, I'm strong. Dad is strong. You are strong. That is why you should never be ashamed of being hurt. You should find a way to fix it." He nodded, trying to take all of this information in.

"Mom, thank you for coming here when you thought I was hurt." He smiled at me and hugged me.

"I will always be there, Scorp."

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