Chapter 19: Left Alone

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"But I don't wanna be left alone here" Brittany said "We're just going to buy something Brittany" Dave said "But why do you have to leave me? Can I just come?" Brittany asked "Well, Alvin and you aren't on good terms and Alvin was the first one who said he'll come." Dave explained "Uhmm, you can let her come Dave, I'll just stay" Alvin said. Simon and Theodore haven't talked with him about his threat to Brittany because when they went back Alvin is already sleeping and Alvin woke up late so Simon decided to just let Alvin come. "Alvin, We actually have something to tell you so you need to come" Simon said and Brittany gulped knowing what they're gonna talk about with Alvin. She felt scared because what if Alvin gets real mad because she told them? She's dead. "You're going to be fine Alone here Brittany" Dave said and Brittany sighed "Alright" Brittany said and They left leaving her alone. Suddenly the door lock clicked meaning it locked. "Oh Gosh" Brittany said and run towards her bed. But she tripped before she could reach the bed. She turned around and saw the girl. "Please Leave me alone!" Brittany cried hugging her knees. The lights turbed off then only foot steps can be heard and Brittany's frozen in place. Then wehn the light turned on Brittany screamed 'cause the ghost right in front of her face. Then the ghost lift her up by her neck. Brittany tried to struggle free but she can't. Suddenly, the Ghost lift its ax. Brittany knew what the ghost is going to do. Then it swung and Brittany gasped because it hit her legs. Her eyes widened then shut it with a tear sliding down her eyes. The ghost using black energy took her dancing talent away from her. Once she got it all she threw Brittany on the floor and knocked her out.

After 5 hours...
Brittany opened her eyes and sat up real quick, breathing loudly and fast. "Britt, are you alright?" Alvin asked Brittany felt her legs, she sughed in reliefe to know its still in tact. "What happened" Jeanette asked But Brittany is still shocked to react. "Why is your leg Bleeding? Don't worry We already bandaged it" Eleanor asked "Did you hurt yourself? 'cause it looks like a knife cut." Simon asked then said "Why did you fainted?" Theodore asked "Guys, please don't stress her out. She'll tell you when she's ready" Dave said and Brittany noticed his eyes glowing red and she noticed that Dave made the water glow black and it returned clear. "Here have a drink" Dave said "Uhmm, no thanks." Brittany said her voice cracking a little. "But you have to drink" Dave insisted "I'm not thirsty" Dave saod "But you lost a lot if blood" Dave said "I don't like that water" Brittany said "Why?" Dave asked looking directly at Brittany, he realized she's suspecting "Because you put something in there" Brittany answered.  "Brittany, Dave wouldn't" Jeanette said "He's not Dave and I can see and feel it" Brittany answered seriously. "What are you talking about?" Dave asked "Come on Arthur! I know that's you. We haven't heard about you for a long time. And is the car really hard to fix for it to take too long?" Brittany said then questioned. "Guys can you check her temperature?" Dave asked and Alvin felt Brittany's temp and no one notice Dave's eyes glowed green making Brittany glow green forna second and her temperature rises. "She's burning up" Alvin said "He made me burn up, His eyes glowed green, so does my skin. Did anyone of you noticed?" Brittany asked. Theodore remained quiet 'cause he saw it and didn't want to make a peep 'cause he's scared. "Brittany just take a rest please" Alvin pleaded "He's not Dave I'm telling you!" Brittany yelled. "Why are you doing this tell me!!" Brittany demanded standing up and pointed at Dave (Arthur). "Uhmm, Dave how about you go to your room. We'll handle her" Simon said and Dave (Arthur) nods his head not wanting anyone else to suspect. "Brittany, You shouldn't have yelled at Dave like that" Jeanette said "But he's not Dave! His eyes glows and he put something in the water. I saw it glow black! And his eyes it glowed green which made me start to feel sick and burn up" Brittany explained "Brittany, You're probably just seeing things because of your fever, no one saw it aside from you" Simon said "I-I actually did saw  Dave's eyes glow green and Brittany's skin too" Theodore said nervously and Everyone looked at him "You did?" Eleanor asked and Theodore nods his head. "See, I told you I'm not crazy! So is my sisters! Theo saw it too and he don't drink the medicine!" Brittany exclaimed. Simon checked Theodore's temperature and its normal. "He's temperature is normal" Simon said "'Cause We're not seeing things Simon" Jeanette said "But there has to be a logical explanation. He probably hallucinates because of nerves" Simon said "And he happened to have seen the same thing as I?" Brittany asked "Probably, but that doesn't amke sense at all. I mean how ciuld yout wo see the same thing? If one hallucinates there's a chance that you saw the same thing but the only posible chance for that is up to 2%" Simon said "Because what we saw ia real and not just our imagination" Brittany said and lay down on her bed and groaned "Hwy wouldn't you guys believe" Brittany said then suddenly they noticed a choke mark on Brittany's neck "Uhm Brittany can you put your right hand on your neck?" Simon asked "Why?" Brittany asked "Just do it" Simon said and Brittany did what he told her. The hand mark is bigfer than her paws which made everyone gasped. "Brittany did someone broke into our room?" Alvin asked "Huh?" Brittany asked "You have a choke mark on your neck and its not possible to be yours" Simon said " I told you its the ghost!" Brittany yelled her patience getting the best of her. "Brittany there is no such things as ghost" Alvin said. Brittany juust stayed quiet knowing no one would believe her. "And I'm sorry for threatening you. I didn't realized I said those hurtful words to you and I didn't mean any of those. I  don't hate you at all. You know me, I really ahve a short temper" Alvin said looking atraight into Brittany's eyes and Brittany saw sincerity. So she hugged Alvin and cried. "I forgive you" Brittany said and Alvin hugged her back. "Shh, I believe you" Alvin whispered to her ear which made Brittany smile "But you said-" Brittany started "I saw it too" Alvin whsipered reffering to what Theodore and her saw, the Eyes of Dave glowing green and so does Brittany's skin. Brittany tightened her hug on Alvin and smiled knowing he believed her.

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