Chapter 27: I believe

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Simon stirred and woke up, he's so confused as to what happened. He felt his head and there's bandage. He looked around the room then his gaze landed on Jeanette sleeping beside his bed. He tucked away a falling hair behind her ear and Jeanette stirred. "Simon thank goodness you're awake" Jeanette said sitting up "What happened?" Simon asked "Well, you... Uhh, you hit your head real hard on the wall" Jeanette lied because she don't want to start an argument with him. Suddenly everything came back to Simon. "Simon?" Jeanette asked "Simon" Jeanette called


Simon is reading a book near the pool, sometimes he peeked from the book to look at Jeanette. "She really is Beautiful, Inside... And out" Simon said smiling to himself he's about to return to his book when suddenly a black energy went inside him and he tried fighting it but its already inside him he watched as he got out of control and got pushed in the far back corner of his mind. He remembered everything including the time Brittany had hit him with a vase because of selfe defense.

End of Flashback...

"Earth to Simon" Eleanor said then Simon got snapped back into reality "We have to leave this Inn now!" Simon demanded "What?" Jeanette asked "You guys are right... This place is haunted! I got possessed by a guy named Ethan" Simon explained. "Ethan?" Theodore asked then Simon explained to them everything Ethan told Brittany. " I don't wanna die" Theodore said crying "Oh my, but what about Dave?" Eleanor asked "Yeah we can't just leave him" Jeanette said "But Brittany said Dave is possessed by Arthur" Simon said "And I saw his eyes turned green and Brittany's skin too but Jeanette is right. We can't leave him here, he's our dad" Theodore said wiping his tears away but he's still sniffing and then started crying again "Yeah, my point is we have to find a way to get Dave back and as soon as he's back we leave" Simon said. Everyone nods their head. "Stop crying now theodore, no one will die" Eleanor said. Suddenly the door bursts open, Alvin walked in Carryingg Brittany. He saw Simon. "Simon thank goodness you're alive!" Simon said happily then put Brittany down on the bed. "What happened to her?" Simon asked "Well, she tried to do suicide, like drown herself in the pool. Thankfully before she could Jump I caught her. Then she fainted" Alvin explained and everyone gasped "But why?" Simon asked "Because she hit you in the head and thought she killed you and she told me even if she didn't kill you she still hurt you so bad" Alvin said "Well, that wouldn't kill me because I am protected by my strong skull and Ethan's energy.. Having two souls in one body, when one is pushed in the far back corner of the mind only one will get hit so bad to leave the body" Simon explained then Alvim widened his eyes "You mean? Ghost?" Alvin asked "I believe" Simon said and Alvin started smiling so widely, everyone does. "Well, the smart one finally got something wrong" Alvin teased "Yeah, yeah I know" Simon said then Alvin looked at Brittany peacefully sleeping. "Guys, you probably forgot about something?" Alvin asked returning his gaze to his friends "What?" Theodore asked then Alvin pointed at the Calendar then at Brittany then Their eyes widened. Then Brittany stirred awake "Huh?" Brittany asked then slowly sat up then Everyone looked at her. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" The five greeted and Brittany smiled "You remembered?" Brittany asked "Of course, how could we forget?" Alvin askef "Thank you guys" Brittanys aid then remembered what happened ealier then frowned "Hey, don't blame yourself you just hit me because of self defense. I'm actually thankful for that because it made Ethan leave my body" Simon said then Brittany widened her eyes. "You mean?" Brittany asked "Yup, I remembered everything and I'm sorry for everything as well." Simon said "You mean?" Brittany asked again and Simon smiled "Yes Brittany, I believe... I believe in ghosts" Simon said then with that being said, She smiled then suddenly the Lights started blinking on and off which made everyone looked at each other fear visible to their eyes.

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