Chapter 36: Waking Up

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As Brittaany and Alvin watch their siblings help them to wake up, Alvin suddenly started fading. "Alvin, what's happening with you? " Brittany asked shocked "I-I don't know" Alvin said then slowly he felt like being magnetized to his body "but I feel like my body's calling for me,  Its like my body wants me back" Alvin said with
A big smile "Then what are you waiting for?! Go,  Maybe its a sign that you'll be waking up" Brittany said happily then Alvin frowned "W-what about you? " Alvin asked taking both Brittany's hand into his "Its not my time yet to wake up... But its yours so go!  You can help them find a way to get me back to my body. I'm counting on you Alvin" Brittany said smiling.Alvin then hugged Brittany "I'll do my best" Alvin said sadly "Don't be sad Alvin" Brittany said "But what if you never wake up?  what if-" Brittany cutted him off "Then move on,  I mean just don't forget about me. Alvin,  this is your life we're talking about if you don't get back in there you'll die" Brittany said "But Brittany-" Brittany cutted Alvin off again "I can see what's going on,  you may not see me but know that I'm always with you all. I'll fight and try to wake up...I'm counting on you all, to you too Alvin. Maybe you'll be the one to find a way to wake me up,  who knows" Brittany said as Alvin started slowly stop fading

"Alvin's heart rate is slowing down" Jeanette said in panick

"Go Alvin! " Brittany said and Alvin nods his head and hugged Brittany one last time and jumped into his body

"CPR! " That's all Simon can say and was about to do it when hiss heart rate went back to normal. "Back to Normal" Jeanette said "Oh thank goodness" Simon said

Brittany sighed in relief

Alvin then started stirring "He's waking up! " Theodore exclaimed excitedly "Alvin,  can you hear us?  Are you awake? " Simon asked as Alvin sliwly opened his eyes adjusting to the light "What happened? " Alvin asked "You got hit in the head by a glass" Simon said then suddenly he remembered and turned to his side and saw Brittany still not awake. "She got stabbed on her side and its really bad" Jeanette explained "I know but she's counting on me,  on us,  We'll find a way to get her back in her body" Alvin said and Everyone looked at him confused "While we're unconcious we are really concious" Alvin said and everyone is still looking at him with a confused look "Our spirits got separated from our body and we've seen everything and while you're curing us,  Brittany and I we're watching you over there" Alvin said pointing at the sofa "Impossible" Simon said then "Well,  I guess everything is possible" Simon continued "I hope she really wake up soon" Eleanor said "She will, You heard me Britt. You will" Alvin said
Which made Brittany's ghost smile

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