Chapter 4: Stay in the Hospital

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"Do you think they caught the pneumonia?" Alvin asked "Not yet for sure, I mean they're having a hard time to breathe but that doesn't mean its caused by pneumonia. It can be cause by cold when mucus is blocking the airway" Simon explained trying tocalm himself. "How long will it take for the nurses to cure them?" Theodore asked "It won't take long theodore, we'll just wait" Simon said. Just as Simon said that a Doctor approached them "The family of the Chipettes?" The doctor asked "That would be us" Alvin said "How are they?" Simon asked "Well, they just caught a high fever and since its raining outside I recommend for them to stay tonight the storm would do them no good" The doctor responded "Is it alright if we all stay in their room?" Dave asked "Sure, there's no problem with that" The doctor said "Thank you, so what room are they gonna be in?" Dave said "They'll be moving to room 65 2nd floor later after 1 minute because the place is still on general cleaning" said the Doctor. "I'm Doctor Ross by the way" Doctor Ross Introduced himself "Dave, David Seville and these are my son, Alvin, Simon and Theodore" Dave said. Normally Alvin would boast about how famous he is and about the band but he's not in the mood. "Its nice meeting you all and see you later" Doctor Ross said and left

They are now all in the Chipettes hospital room and while the Chipettes are sleeping Dave bought them food and started eating. "Alvin why aren't you touching your food?" Dave asked "I'm just worried" Alvin said and Simon gasped "He does worry about other people than himself!" Simon joked and Alvin glared at him. "I told you" Theodore said ephasizing each of his word. "They'll be fine Alvin, just eat your food" Dave said and Alvin sighed then obligued. "He listened? Is this a sign of Apocalypse?!" Simon joked again then laughed with Theodore. Alvin just rolled his eyes. "He's Silent Theodore, I think a body snatcher had invaded his body" Simon again joke referring to when Alvin thought Brittany is a body Snatcher. Simon and Theodore continued laughing. "Okay boys that's enough of teasing" Dave said and Alvin stuck his toungue out to his brothers who's still snickering and continue eating his food. While they're eating they suddenly heard a gasped and realized it comes from Jeanette's bed. Simon quickly stumbled towards Jeanette's side. "Don't worry Simon, its not like she's getting married to another munk" Alvin joked and laughed with Theodore. Simon glared at him. "Jeanette how do you feel?" Simon asked "Just a slight head ache, where are we?" Jeanette answered then asked "Where in a hospital Jean, we're asked to stay for the night" Simon replied "How are my sisters?" Jeanette asked "They're still fast asleep" Simon responded. "Oh okay" Jeanette said and sat up to look around. "Uhh guys" Alvin said and everyone looked at him. "Why does Brittany had  bandages on her knees?" Alvin asked from where he is sitting, on the side of the bed beside the pink well temporarily blue clad chipette. The Chipettes are now wearing a blue hospital gown that's why Alvin noticed. "Oh right, On our way to the bathroom Brittany slipped and we probably didn't notice she got that bruise or scratch since she's wearing leggings and we haven't paying much attention to it 'cause we thought that she had knee protection to get those" Jeanette explained "Oh" Alvin said, everyone could tell Alvin is really worried for Brittany. "You look really Worried Alvin" Jeanette said while smiling "Me? Worried? Come on! I'm not worried!" Alvin denied "You denied it four times, didn't you say that it meant you're denying something?" Theodore asked "No, oh fine! i'm worried! You happy?" Alvin asked "More than happy that you admit it" Simon responded "She's my friend duh"  Alvin said gesturing towards Brittany. Then Eleanor stirred. "Huh? Where am I?" Eleanor asked as she slowly sat up. "Ellie! Thank Goodness you woke up! I'm so worried about you and the girls" Theodore said "Aww, thanks theo" Eleanor said hugging Theodore. "Hey Ellie" Jeanette said "Oh hi, Jeanette, so we're confined in a hospital?" Eleanor said noticing Jeanette in a hospital gown and she realized, so is she. "Yeah, but we'll be just staying for the night" Jeanette said "Good" Eleanor said not wanting to stay for a much longer time. "Brittany is still out cold?" Eleanor asked "Yup, I'm afraid she is. Really when are you going to wake up Brittany?" Alvin said then asked "She won't and can't answer you now Alvin" Simon said in which Alvin rolled his eyes on "So where's Dave?" Eleanor asked and they all look around and saw Dave fast asleep on the couch. "Too bad he wasn't awake too know you two are awake, he's really worried" Theodore said "Yeah, but why don't we all take a rest?  I mean we've been on a long ride and haven't got a real good night sleep." Simon said "But Brittany hasn't woke up yet" Alvin said "Alvin we still need a rest, she'll probably wake up in the morning" Simon said "We actually had enough sleep since we've been sleeping almost the whole ride" Alvin argued "Yeah, but we're still tired" Simon argued back "Well, I'm waiting until Brittany wakes up" Alvin said "Fine you do that" Simon said and was bout to jump out of Jeanette's bed when Jeanette stopped him. "Simon" Jeanette said "Yes Jeanett" Simon asked "I'm not really used to sleep in a hospital, will you sleep beside me?" Jeanette asked while blushing and Simon blushed as well "Sure why not" Simon said and lay down beside Jeanette and they both cuddle to sleep.  Suddenly, they we're startled by a flash. "That's a keeper" Alvin said while smiling "Alvinnn!" Simon and Jeanette Simultaneously yelled "What, at least you two had another picture to add on your photo albums" Alvin said and the two just glared at him and went back to get some sleep. Eleanor and Theodore decided to sleep together as well. They're also startled by Alvin's cellphone's Flash. "Another Keeper" Allvin saiid proud of his work "Don't mind him Theo, he just don't have anything to do with his life now" Eleanor said, Alvin glared at her "Well, we can put the picture in our memory books" Theodore said, he called their photo album memory book. "Sure Theo, we don't have much picture anyway" Eleanor said and the two fell asleep. Alvin sighed, he's now up all alone. After an hour, Brittany is still sleeping. "Sleeping Beauty, are you waiting for a Prince Charming to kiss you and wake you up?" Alvin asked the sleeping Brittany. Alvin sighed again, he's really getting irritated of her not waking up in an instant like Jeanette and Eleanor. Suddenly, he saw Brittany's finger move. "Brittany? Britt? Are you awake?" Alvin asked then Britany opened her eyes but gasped and shut them again because of the bright light. Alvin quickly run towards the switch and closed it and returned to Brittany's side. "Is it much better when the lights off?" Alvin asked and Brittany blinked "Uhmm, Yeha thanks" Brittany said sitting up. "How are you feeling?" Alvin asked "I just have a head ache but I'm feeling much better than before" Brittany said and Alvin felt Briittany's forehead. "You're still burning up a little, why don't you get some rest" Alvin said , he's not exactly sure why he waited for her that long to wake up but he's letting her sleep again. "But I just woke up" Brittany said "Yeah, but everyone's asleep as well" Alvin said pointing to Jeanette's bed on the left side of Brittany's and Eleanor's bed on the right side of Brittany's. "Oh, Alright" Brittany said and position herself. "Good night then" Alvin said about to jump down the bed to sleep beside Dave. "Where are you goign?" Brittany asked and Alvin stopped. "To Go get some sleep too" Alvin answered "Well, Simon and Theodore are sleeping beside Jeanette and Eleanor, you can sleep beside me if you want" Brittany said "Are you sure" Alvin asked "Yeah" Brittany said and Alvin smiled and jumped down beside and hugged her. Brittany was shocked at how Alvin jumped to snuggle with her but regain her composure and hugged him back. The two closed their eyes but was shocked when flashed on both sides clicked on. "Now that's a Keeper!" Simon and Thedore said at the same time "Jinxed" Simon said "No fair!" Theodore said "Guys!! " Alvin hissed as the other 4 continued to laugh. Brittany's actually not on the loop so she looked confused and at the same time irritated by the other four because of snapping them a picture. "You guys should keep them on your photo album too" Eleanor said and the four continued to laugh.  "Okay?" Brittany asked to hint them that she's confused. "Well, Alvin kind of started this off by capturing a photo of Simon and Jeanette then Me and Theodore, he told us to keep them as a remembrance" Simon explained "Oh" Brittany said while nodding her head. "How long have you been awake?" Alvin asked pissed. "when you closed the lights that kind off woke us up because of the change of lighting" Simon explained "Then how come Dave is still asleep?" Alvin asked "Dave just happened to be wearing his eye mask and we just happened to be light sleepers" Simon said in an as a matter of fact tone. "Yeah, whatever" Alvin said, then Brittany yawned. "Well, we want to get some sleep if you don't mind" Alvin said and started hugging Brittany again "Yeah, we won't, we're actually still kind of tired" Simon responded "Yeah okay then Good night" Alvin said and they all said good night to one another and went to dream land.

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