Chapter 25: Knock, Knock... who's there?... Simon

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Well, I decided before I forgot about this idea. Maybe I should publish it now. And Thanks for the Birthday greeting tanvir24_!!

"That is not Simon!" Alvin and Brittany both yelled at the same time. "Who-who's next? We have to get Dave and Simon back and leave here! Bu-but how? Are we going to die here?" Brittany asked while panicking. "Shh, don't panick we'll find a way don't worry" Alvin said but inside he's really panicking. "What if you also got possessed Alvin?! What am I gonna do? " Brittany asked "No I won't get possessed, Brittany calm down okay? Simon I mean whoever who's inside my brother might suspect a thing, we have to act like we know nothing about him being possessed. Really, Arthur must've knew we knew he's not Dave because you told him so decided to possess Simon next or even worse its probably his comrade inside my brother and we'll be dealing with two and if he knew that we knew we'll be dealing with a lot more" Alvin explained ""Yeah, but what if? What if you get possessed next? And theodore? What will Sisters and I do gonna do?" Brittany asked breathing hard "Stop making yourself worry, Simon got possessed because he don't believe in ghosts. Now that I believe, thankfully, I wouldn't get possessed anymore.. I know everything about ghosts especially this ghost we are dealing with." Alvin said suddenly there's a knock on the door they both gulped. "Knock Knock!" Simon called Alvin held Brittany's hand "Who's There?" Alvin asked "Simon" Simon answered "Stay here and try to act normal" Alvin told Brittany "But Alvin" Brittany said "He wouldn't harm us not until he knew we knew its not Simon" Alvin said and Brittany nods her head and Just sat down on the sofa watching Alvin as he slowly walked towards the door "Simon who?" Alvin asked "Alvin don't make jokes me!" Simon said. Alvin looked at Brittany then unlocked the door. "Act Natural" He mouthed to Brittany and he put on his mischievious smirk notifying Brittany what to do which is to laugh.  He turned towards the door and opened it "Password?" Alvin asked with his smirk and Brittany started laughing "Alvin not funny, let me in" Simon said and Alvin nods his head and opened the door to let him enter "Thank you" He entered and looked at Brittany straight in the eyes "Hey Brittany" Simon said, Alvin didn't like the way Simon said that and saw a black energy coming out from his eyes going straight to Brittany and before it could reach brittany's eyes Alvin blocked the view by walking in the center showing Simon the Chess Board "Wanna play?" Alvin asked and Simon cursed under his breath. Alvin looked at Brittany who closed her eyes and shook his head, she just got out of the trance. "Uhm, what happened?" Brittany asked "I don't know, I went to get the chess board from my bag." Alvin said looking straight into Brittany's eyes and she got it. "What are you gonna do with a chess board?" Brittany asked "Gonna play with my bro, so let's play?" Alvin said then turned to Simon "Uhm, no thanks But I'm gonna go take a shower. Brittany I'll talk to you after" Simon said and Brittany gulped "You don't wanna spend time with your brother after?" Alvin asked "We've spent a lot of time since we we're little" Simon said walking in the bathroom. "Alvin knocked on the door, Can I come with you and Brittany?" Alvin asked "We're just going to talk in the room!" Simon replied turning on the shower "Yeah I'll stay here with you two" Alvin said "No you're not" Simon replied "Please" Alvin pleaded  "Alvin" Simon warned. Alvin looked at Brittany "Brittany?" Alvin asked in an innocent tone to make Simon hear "S-sure there's no problem with that" Brittany answered  out loud "No ,Brittany this is out talk" Simon said opening the Bathroom door, he's wearing only a towel. "Well, its just a talk so there's nothing wrong with letting him come" Brittany said. "Oh yes there is" Simon said "What?" Brittany asked "If its private" Simon responded trying to have eye contact with Brittany but Brittany keeps on looking down. "Is there something wrong Brittany?" Simon asked Alvin looked at Brittany who remained looking at the floor "Nothing why?" Brittany Asked looking at alvin then at simon then back at the ground "I'm talking to you so at least look at me in the eyes, unless there is something interesting on the floor" Simon said then Alvin got the idea why and his heart skipped a beat he's really scared for Brittany and Brittany's heart is at sync with Alvin. They're scared and Nervous, well especially Brittany. "Well, I just realized how the design on the floor looked aesthetic" Brittany said and Alvin looked at the floor "Oh yeah, look at the pattern" Alvin said "Its just wood and squares and there's no pattern" Simon said "Yeah, I know brother its sarcastic" Alvin excused but he really wanna helpnBrittany out. "How about you just tell me what you wanna talk to me about now.. Alvin wouldn't blab about it" Brittany said "But he would laugh at me" Simon said "No I wouldn't what is it?" Alvin asked "Fine, Its just I felt weird since when I woke up and I don't know why Jeanette is so mad at me I tried to knock on the door and she just kept yelling at me. And then suddenly when I went in here something I don't know, I felt like Something went inside me and then I blocked out then I suddenly, its just si weird think Brittany's right about the ghost, but ghosts can't be weird" Simon said which made Alvin and Brittany looked at him. "You mean?" Alvin asked "Yes Alvin, I think I'm starting to believe that ghosts are real. But Why is Jeanette so mad at me?" Simon asked and that made Alvin and Brittany relaxed that Simon is back and that the ghost is away. "So you're not gonna laugh at me?" Simon asked "Nope, Brittany and I knew that it isn't you all the time. We even saw your eyes glow red earlier" Alvin confessed "Really?" Simon asked and the two nods her head. "Uhmm, Can I now talk to Brittany Privately?" Simon asked and in his mind his smirking "Why?" Alvin asked "About Jeanette" Simon said "Why can't I just stay here?" Alvin asked but since he thought that it is now his brother he doon't see any harm "Alright, I accept you don't trust me" Alvin said and left the room "Thanks Alvin" Simon said and locked the door his eyes glowed red but Brittany didn't noticed it "Uhmm Simon?" Brittany asked and he turned his head "Yes Brittany?" Simon asked approaching her "Can you first wear your clothes, its a little uncomfortable . And why did you locked the door?" Brittany said then asked "I have a towel on and so we can have our little privacy session" Simon said "Still and did you say session? And you're a little to close" Brittany said now walking backwards but Simon kept on inching forward "Yeah and I know" Simon said. "Simon"  Brittany said then his eyes glowed red and Brittany gasped "you lied you're still not him!" Brittany said and she fell down on the sofa and Simon kept walking forward "Yeah and so?" He asked as he pinned Brittany on the sofa trying to look into her eyes but Brittany kept on looking away. "Who are you??" Brittany asked "I'm Arthurs younger brother Ethan" Ethan in Simon's body replied "How did you fit in a chipmunks body?" Brittany asked nervously and she's really frightened "I'm a human that's been cursed and turned into a chipmunk" Ethan said "Cursed?" Brittany asked "I killed a chipmunk before and turned it into barbeque and a fairy punished me" Simon said then held Brittany's face forcefully and make her looked at him but Brittany had her eyes closed "The only way to be back is to get your talents, your life and give it to Nancy and Leizel so they'll go back to life and I'll be set free and be alive to " Ethan explained "Nancy and Liezel" Brittany said with her eyes still closed "Yes, dear beautiful chipette.  You see Nancy is my. Girlfriend who got killed by a murderer named Fritz and her sister also got murdered by the same person. Her Father just happened to be the only one raising them and he got mad that he made connection with that evil fairy. The fairy saw me kill a chipmunk and made me one but there's a catch the fairy killed me and that fairy made me try to find the pack of chipmunks" Ethan said "What does she wants with chipmunks?" Brittany asked "She said she needs it to bring the two girls back to life, me too  but I can't so she decided to just make us kill those talented person who volunteered to perform om that stage and we happened to kill 91 people people and I was shocked when I saw you talking chipmunks, how on earth can chipmunks talk but that means triple the points she told me yesterday and we'll be back and have revenge to that murderer and continue living a normal life" Ethan explained and is about to press his lips against Brittany when brittany opened her eyes and quickly closed it back and pushed him away from her. She stood up and run for the door. She can't unclock it though. Ethan in Simon's body continued moving ftowards her with an evil smirk "Well, its weirrd but you're a beautiful chipette, maybe I can first have a taste of you before I murder you like what that fritz did to my Nancy" Ethan in Simon's Body said licking his lips and Brittany keep on tugging at the door she gulped and started crying then  "ALVINNN!!!" She yelled

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