Chapter 14: Frightened Ellie

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"Oh uh Dave said he's downstairs waiting for us" Simon said reading the text message Dave sent him
"Okay, I'll just follow downstairs. I just have to go look for my phone" Eleanor said
"Okay, how about you just stay here and watch over Jeanette and Brittany?" Simon asked gesturing towards the two sleeping chipettes. "Yeah, Since Brittany and Jeanette are seeing stuffs" Alvin agreed
"Sure" Eleanor said
"Good, take care" Simon said and The chipmunks left. Well, Theodore is already with Dave (Arthur).
Eleanor sighed, she really wanted to come with them downstairs because its fun to play soccer with them or even video games. She wondered how could the only one that had signal is the Inn and why they can't connect to the phone of a tow truck or the rent a car so they can leave. But she just shrugged it off.  Well, her sisters need her in the room so its fine with her. Suddenly the bathroom door slowly creaked open.
"Huh?" Eleanor said confused
"It wasn't open earlier or is it?" Eleanor asked to no one in particular
"Well, I gotta go take a shower and relax, my mind's probably playing tricks on me" Eleanor said out loud and went in the bathroom. Just as she entered *BANG!* "Ahhh!!" The Door shut so loud by itself and *cluck, click* Someone locked it
"Oh my" Eleanor said nervously. She turned around and saw her reflection on the mirror but something's off which made her scared. Someone, or a bloody blonde hair with an axe is behind her" She screamed and run towards the mirror and turned around to see she was gone.
"Okay, I'm probably going crazy" Eleanor said trying to calm herself down
But then the shower turned on by itself and the lights flickered on and off. The heater is on a very high level making it steam.
"Oh gosh! I'm gonna suffocate in here, HELP!!!" Eleanor screamed but luck isn't with her, Brittany and Jeanette are still sleeping with headphones?. Yup, someone put those in their ears to block the noise. Its not playing music though.
"Brittany!! Jeanette!!" Eleanor said trying to budge the door open but again luck isn't with her. The Ghost appeared again aat the same time Eleanor turned around, its pointing at her feet. Eleanor gulped.
"What is it that you want?" Eleanor asked crying but the Ghost just keep on inching forward.
"Oh Brittany!! Jeanette!! Please wake up!! You're right!! We're not crazy!!" Eleanor screamed even louder
"Stay away from me!! Please, stop scaring me." a frightened Ellie yelled then gulped until
"Hey Ellie, can I come in?" Jeanette asked and the Ghost disappeared. Eleanor sighed in relief then slid down the ground sobbing.
"Eleanor is everything alright?" Jeanette asked from outside the bathroom, she knocked but Eleanor won't open it. All she can hear is her sobbing. Jeanette went to wake Brittany up.
"Brittany, Brittany" Jeanette said then Brittany groaned, rubbed her eyes and sat up.
"Yes Jeanette?" Brittany asked
"Eleanor won't open the bathroom door and I need to pee. Also, I could hear sobbing from in there" Jeanette said worriedly and Brittany stood up and knocked on the Bathroom door.
"Ellie, Eleanor?" Brittany called. Eleanor just started sobbing louder
"What's wrong honey?" Brittany asked sweetly
"Let us in Eleanor" Jeanette said  but nothing.
"Jeanette you go get the duplicate key downstairs, its probably on the Counter" Brittany said and Jeanette nods her head and rushed downstairs. "Ellie, please let me in. If there's a problem you can tell me. I think I can help" Brittany suggested but still nothing. Brittany sigghed she don't like seeing Eleanor or even Jeanette like this. She oath she'll take care of them and make sure they're always alright and happy. She sighed and try to sing for Eleanor, the song Olivia taught them. She or even they haven't sung it for a long time, but in heart they still know the tune and melody
That song really turned every frown upside down.

Brittany: The sun will come out,  tomorrow. So you gotta hang on till tomorrow there'll be sun. Just thinking about tomorrow clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow, till there's none. When I'm a stuck with a day, that's gray and lonely. I just stick up my chin! And grin! And say!! Oh, the sun will come out tomorrow so you gotta hang on till tomorrow. Come what may! Tomorrow! tomorrow! I love yah! Tomorrow! You're always a day away, Tomorrow, Tomorrow! I love yah! Tomorroe! You're always a Day!!!... A!!.. Way!!!

Somehow the sobbing stopped but Eleanor is still on the floor.
"Eleanor, what do I have to do. Come on please get out of there. What's wrong?" Brittany said then asked her little sister. She's not used seeing her like this, I mean before she used to be the mature one until Eleanor became more mature than her. So technically after 10 years, she haven't seen Eleanor like this. I mean, when she's not acting. Suddenly the door opened.
"Ellie!!" Theodore called knocking on the door.
"I got the keys" Jeanette said out of Breathe. Dave (Arthur) opened the door. "Eleanor what happened?" Brittany asked motherly. She held Eleanor's face, wiped her tears and hugged her.
"Shh, its alright Ellie" Brittany sakd rubbing her sister's back. Alvin had never seen Brittany so motherly before so he just stared in aww.
"Its okay Ellie, just smile it will go away. I mean the problem, smiles always do magic" Theodore said as Brittany let go and he hugged her.
"Eleanor can you tell us what happened?" Dave (Arthur) asked. Eleanor nods her head, since she already calmed down.
"Well, Brittany and Jeanette aren't crazy! I-I s-saw that blonde haired bloody girl ho-holding an axe. She-she also wanted to cut my feet off. N-not to mention she- she almost s-s-s-suffocate me in here to death" Eleanor explained
"Uhmm, Simon will you read the side effects of the medicine for me" Dave (Arthur said) and Simon rushed out and took the medicine.
"Dave!! We're not crazy?! Believe us!! Believe me!! I don't beleiev in what they're saying earlier as well!! But I see her with my own eyes Dave! My own eyes!" Eleanor frantically explained. Simon just started bluntly reading the side effects.
"Uhmm, let's see. Rapid beating of the heart, chest pain, drowsiness, uhmm, there! Hallucinating!! There are no such things as ghost. And there is a proof that you guys are just seeing things because of the medicine" Simon explained
"But what about the door closing, the light flickering and-and the heater turning to super heat!!?"  Eleanor asked
"Sometimes its your bare eyes making you hallucinate. Sometimes you ubconsciously do those things with you hands withlut you noticing it or sometimes its a trick of the medicine" Simon explained
"But Simon, thtj's really real!! Eleanor saw it! Jeanette saw it! I saw it!" Brittany exclaimed
"Yeah, its you who started this charade! No wonder why you all see the same things! Do you know when one started making a story or saying she saw that the others might get scared as well even though the Hallucinating that is says on the medicine isn't affecting them? But with someone giving them information, the medicine would start affecting thus sending the image to their brains making them see stuffs!" Simon explained
"Did you also happen to know that sometimes logic nor science can't explain everything??" Brittany asked
"Brittany, you guys are just hallucinating" Simon said
"Yeah now you're saying we're crazy" Brittany said
"For the last time Brittany I didn't say you guys are crazy its just the side effect of the medicine" Simon said
"Yeah, you didn't say it but I'm pretty sure you thought about it" Brittany said
"There's no such thing as ghost" Simon said
"If ghost don't exist what are we when we die?" Brittany ask
"We reincarnate" Simon answered
"No we don't! God made us, so we have a soul and if our sould is evil it could haunt people" Brittany explained
"Ugh!! You're so annoying! No wonder why my brother, Alvin hates you!" Simon yelled making everyone gasped
"Hey, I do not" Alvin said. Brittany looked down feeling her heart sink. She started to think that everyone hates her because Alvin and Simon does.

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