Chapter 8

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This was so not happening.


This was ruining the invisible plan. Ruining is an understatement. This was completely dissolving, tearing and shredding the invisible plan.

Jayden, the Jayden was talking to me and inviting me for a party. I mean what??? From what I'd heard, Jayden McClain was Griddle highs baddest boy and he was best friends with Chase and Tyler.

Yes, he was amazingly-handsome-to-die-for. With that black hair that was forever falling unto his face to cover his piercing green eyes and other beautiful features, you should know why he is stunning. Top that off with the signature black leather jacket and the badass power bike, Jayden practically spelt the phrase 'bad boy'.

But (there was a very big BUT)

Due to his friendship with Chase, I felt that his reasoning would be as terrible as Chase's. You couldn't blame me for thinking that way because birds of the same feathers flocked together.

"Hey, Rita, what's up?" He flashed the usually overconfident i-am-so-handsome-i-sweat-glitter smile.

"I'm good. You?" I smiled back.

"Great. So I was wondering if you'll love to come to my party tonight. Don't worry there is no alcohol and the regular dangerous stuff. Its just to have fun."

This guy couldn't even at least comment on my cute top, or my curled hair. He couldn't even greet me, was 'what's up?' now considered as a greeting?

"Start over." I replied without looking at his face.

"I'm not sure I understand." He squinted one eye and tilted his head to one side.

"How can you just jump into your party request? You couldn't even greet me or at least say, 'hey, cute top today, or hey, beautiful phone case'. You just walked up and said 'hey, come to my party'." I ranted, looking him straight in the eye to show the seriousness of this issue.

Okay, so maybe this phone thing was really getting to me.

"Uhhh. Are you sure you're okay? You're not with a phone or even a phone case and you're wearing a random sweatshirt. Should we see the nurse?" He reached out and used the back of his palm to feel my neck, probably checking my temperature.

I slapped his hands off playfully and placed my palm on my forehead. I was not going crazy.

"Ohh. Uhh. Sorry. You won't understand. Please just repeat yourself." I sighed.

"Okay? I was wondering if you'd love to come to my party tonight. Don't worry there is no alcohol and the regular dangerous stuff. Its just to have fun." He shrugged and adjusted his school bag.

"Really? A party with no alcohol and dangerous stuff? Just like a child with one eye, three fingers and six ears. Not possible."

He bursted into laughter, gaining us further attention, spoiling my invisible plan all the more.

I gave him the can-you-behave? look, which usually involves eye widening and tilting the head or bringing it forward. He got the message.

"Oh sorry about that but the truth is that everything is on the barest minimum. I hate it when the cops shut down my parties. So I normally keep it low and I'd love you to come."

"And why is that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Um, you're a girl, you're Chase's girl, you're hot and you have a wonderful sense of humour."

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